Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

April 14, 2024 | "Old Stuff That Works: Creation” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Explore the timeless relevance of biblical Creation in Pastor Vicki Harrison's sermon from the 'Old Stuff That Works' series, emphasizing our responsibility to honor God's creation and recognize every person's inherent value.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

11:15 AM - Praise Service


In Pastor Vicki Harrison’s sermon titled “Creation,” part of the series “Old Stuff That Works,” she explores the enduring relevance and truth of ancient biblical concepts, particularly the story of Creation as described in Genesis. Pastor Vicki emphasizes that the Bible, while not a scientific text, serves to reveal the character of God and His purposes for humanity, rooted in love and the glorification of His creation. She highlights how all creation, having been made in God’s image, holds inherent value and reflects God’s glory, underscoring the importance of recognizing and respecting this divine imprint in every aspect of life.

Pastor Vicki calls on the congregation to appreciate the natural world and recognize the worth of every individual, regardless of background or belief, in alignment with New Hope’s mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ. This sermon invites listeners to engage actively in stewardship of the earth and to treat all people with the dignity they deserve as creations of God. To delve deeper into the foundational beliefs that guide such teachings, visit New Hope’s statement of faith.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

April 7, 2024 | "Living on Fire For God” | Joseph Boettger

Embrace a fervent faith with Joseph Boettger’s sermon "Living on Fire for God," challenging believers to reject lukewarm Christianity and passionately serve Christ.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

11:15 AM - Praise Service


Joseph Boettger’s sermon, “Living on Fire for God,” delivered with the fervor of a committed youth, challenges us as the New Hope community to embody our faith beyond the church walls. Drawing insights from Revelation 3:16, Joseph cautions against spiritual complacency, urging us to be zealously engaged in our faith, not lukewarm but burning with passion for God. He posits that being ‘on fire for God’ means a life of no compromise, where our actions consistently reflect the transformative power of Christ within us. This aligns with New Hope’s mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ by being rooted in God’s Word, renewed by the Holy Spirit, and reaching the world for Jesus Christ (What We Believe). Joseph encourages us to scrutinize our spiritual fruits, to engage actively in sharing the Gospel, and to live a life distinctly set apart for God. This week, let each of us embrace the call to step out of our comfort zones, to share Jesus’s love in tangible ways within our communities, thereby embodying the values of love, grace, and bold faith that define us as followers of Christ. For more enriching sermons, visit our message archive (Message Archive).

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

March 24, 2024 | "Disruptions: The Fruit of Disruption” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

In the sermon "God Breaking Through in the Everyday Interruptions," Pastor Vicki Harrison enlightens us that the disruptions in our daily routines are not mere obstacles but potential divine appointments orchestrated by God. Drawing from Jesus' ministry in Mark 1:21-28, she illustrates how Jesus' most impactful acts and teachings often unfolded amidst interruptions. These moments were not distractions but opportunities for profound spiritual encounters and transformations.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

11:15 AM - Praise Service


In "The Fruit of Disruption," delivered by Pastor Vicki Harrison at New Hope, the message revolves around the transformative power of disruptions in our lives, seen through the lens of faith. Pastor Vicki reflects on a recent mission trip to Cuba, illustrating how dire circumstances there have fueled a remarkable growth in faith and reliance on God. Despite facing severe shortages and governmental oppression, the Cuban churches are experiencing revival, with many coming to faith amidst their struggles. This, she suggests, is a powerful testament to finding hope and joy in Jesus Christ, regardless of our circumstances.

The sermon also explores the biblical narrative of Palm Sunday, emphasizing how a seemingly small disruption – the request for a donkey – facilitated a momentous event in Jesus' ministry. This act of obedience by the donkey's owner led to Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, fulfilling prophecy and declaring His kingship. Pastor Vicki uses this story to underscore the idea that disruptions, whether they come in the form of divine callings or life's trials, can lead to significant spiritual fruit.

Drawing parallels between the experiences of the Cuban church and the Palm Sunday story, Pastor Vicki encourages the congregation to embrace disruptions as opportunities for growth and ministry. She challenges believers to respond to God's call with obedience, even when it disrupts our lives, and to maintain a posture of rejoicing in the face of adversity. The sermon concludes with a call to reflect on how we deal with disruptions and to choose praise over lamentation, trusting that God works all things for good for those who love Him.

This message aligns closely with New Hope's mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ by loving Jesus, caring about all people, following God's guidance, living out the truth with grace, and being open to taking risks and making bold decisions ( It also reflects the church's values of being rooted in God’s Word, renewed by the Holy Spirit, and reaching the world for Jesus Christ (

Through "The Fruit of Disruption," Pastor Vicki invites the congregation and viewers online to see disruptions not as inconveniences but as divine appointments that can lead to deeper faith, renewed purpose, and broader impact for the kingdom of God.

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

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