March 17, 2024 | "Disruptions: Disrupting The Crowd” | Pastor Roberto Chaple
9:30 AM - Traditional Service
11:15 AM - Praise Service
In “Disrupting the Crowd,” Pastor Roberto Chaple inspires us with the story of Bartimaeus from Mark chapter 10, emphasizing the power of persistence in faith despite opposition. Through Bartimaeus’s story, we learn the importance of being unstoppable and unapologetic in our pursuit of Jesus. This sermon teaches us that true ministry often happens amidst disruptions and that Jesus values our faith and determination over our social status or physical abilities. In our journey with Christ, we are encouraged to disrupt the internal and external crowds that hinder our relationship with Him. This call to action invites us to raise our voices louder in prayer, praise, and worship, living boldly for Jesus without letting anything or anyone deter us. Let’s embrace this message, moving from a passive to an active faith, demonstrating our trust in Jesus’s power to transform lives.
For more insights and inspiration, explore our values and mission at New Hope here, and discover how we embody being rooted in God’s Word, renewed by the Holy Spirit, and reaching the world for Jesus Christ here. Reflect on previous messages that resonate with “Disrupting the Crowd” at our message archive below.
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