Our Mission
This student ministry exists to combine the students in our community together to
passionately LOVE GOD, unconditionally LOVE PEOPLE, and reach out enthusiastically to CHANGE OUR WORLD.
Connect- fellowship, small groups, have a friend be a friend
Honor- passionate worship
Actions- do the right thing, act responsibly
Reach- radical hospitality, invest, and invite
Grow- intentional faith development, reading the Bible
Extravagant Service- serving, generosity
Passage is a Confirmation program designed to build a solid spiritual foundation within your student. PASSAGE will take place in the spring during youth small group on Sunday mornings. Students 8th grade and older are welcome to join us for this semester long journey.
Sunday Morning (Grade 6-12): 9:30am Intergenerational Worship in the Sanctuary, followed by group fellowship and small group breakout in the Garage.
Tune-Ups in The GARAGE: Seasonal themed fellowship, games, testimonies, and power devotionals in a fun atmosphere.
Recharge: Wednesday night worship and Bible study hosted in The Garage for Middle School, High School and Parents.
6:30pm - 7:00pm Worship and Prayer.
7:00pm - 8:00pm Bible Study Breakouts by age.
MME: Monthly Mission Emphasis: Each month we learn about and serve with different organizations in our community.
Find out more about PSM
PSM Updates

On Friday, February 28th, our middle and high school students are heading off campus for a Tune Up at TreeHoppers!