To PLANT the seeds of the gospel in the hearts of children through Bible study and teaching kids to know Jesus and make Him known.
To WATER those seeds with Bible stories, worship, fellowship, and fun.
And to GROW alongside them as they are “trained up in the way they should go.”
Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
We aim to show kids that they can have a personal relationship with Jesus at a very early age
and give every opportunity for them to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior!
Infants - 2 Years Old
We believe it is important for your children to learn these three basic truths:
God made me,
God loves me,
and Jesus wants to be my friend forever!
Our Imagine Kids is focused on meeting the needs and development of each child. During the session, your child will hear a Bible story and then do a craft and/or activity that compliments the lesson. We also have resources available if you would like to work on the memory verse for the month or do simple devotions with your children at home throughout the week.
Preschool - 5th Grade
We believe it is important for your child to learn these three basic truths:
I need to make a wise choice,
I can trust God no matter what,
and I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
In our elementary environment, each service is broken into large-group, Kids Experience, and age-appropriate small-group segments. We designed this environment in such a way that your child will look forward to coming to church and meeting new friends. The children begin in a large group time with games, worship, and a lesson and then move into their small groups to do activities that relate to the lesson. We also have resources available to work on the memory verse for the month or do simple devotions with your children at home throughout the week, reinforcing their weekly lessons.
Want to expedite your registration process? Complete our new family registration form prior to joining us for your first visit.
Campus Safety
While you are in adult services or small groups, your child is experiencing safe, dependable care from our thoroughly trained volunteers. Each volunteer has been background checked. All entries into the New Hope Kids are locked. We also have a Safety Team that monitors the premises before, during, and after every service.
We have an easy-to-use sign-in system that allows us to keep track of every child and parent who comes into New Hope Kids. Sign-in opens fifteen minutes before each service. When you sign in, you and your child will be entered into our security system and your child will be given a name tag. You (the parent/guardian) will be given a security number that will appear on the child’s name tag. If you are needed for any reason while you are in the adult service, you will receive a text from our Kid’s Staff. You will need your security tag in order to check your children out of New Hope Kids at the end of the service.
Life is busy, and parenting is a full-time job. That’s why we’re inviting you to take the night off while your kids have a blast at Parents’ Night Out!
On Friday, April 11, drop off your children (ages 1 year to 5th grade) at the New Hope Kids Building for an evening packed with fun, food, and faith-filled activities. This month’s theme? Under Construction!