January 7, 2024 | "Fresh Starts Fervent Prayers: Just Pray" | Rev. Dan Parrish & Rev. Lavetta Pope

9:30 AM - Traditional Service - Rev. Dan Parrish

11:15 AM - Praise Service - Rev. Lavetta Pope


In her introduction to the sermon series "Fresh Starts, Fervent Prayers," Pastor Vicki Harrison emphasizes the critical role of prayer in guiding and energizing the church's activities. She challenges the common practice of making plans first and then seeking God's blessing, advocating instead for beginning with prayer to discern God's direction. Pastor Vicki asserts that while many understand the mechanics of prayer, the true, transformative power of prayer might not be fully grasped by all. She expresses a firm belief that prayer can profoundly impact individual lives, families, the church, the community, and even the world.

Emphasizing this belief, Pastor Vicki announces a series of activities to focus on prayer's power. These include a call for the congregation to participate in a morning fast every Thursday, with the option to fast from various things like food, phones, or social media, and to pray specifically for the church and God's guidance. Additionally, she invites the congregation to attend the Wednesday night prayer gathering, assuring them of a welcoming and powerful experience.

In her closing remarks, Pastor Vicki expresses excitement and anticipation for the changes and blessings she believes God will bring to the church, setting an enthusiastic tone for the upcoming series and sermons.

In his sermon “Just Pray,” during the 9:30 hour, Pastor Dan Parrish emphasizes the simplicity and power of prayer, drawing inspiration from the book of James. He encourages the congregation to engage in prayer not as a formulaic exercise, but as a sincere, open-hearted dialogue with God. This approach aligns with New Hope’s mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ, highlighting the importance of being rooted in God’s Word and renewed by the Holy Spirit. Pastor Parrish’s message is a call to trust in the transformative power of prayer, to let go of the need for perfection in our prayer practices, and to embrace a direct, trusting communication with God. This reflects New Hope’s values of loving Jesus, caring about all people, and following God’s guidance. To deepen your understanding and practice of prayer in alignment with our mission, visit New Hope’s Mission and explore related teachings in our Message Archive.

In the 11:15 hour, in her empowering sermon “Just Pray,” Rev. Lavetta Pope explores the profound simplicity and power of prayer, drawing from James 5:13–18. She emphasizes that prayer is not just a ritual but a dynamic communication with God, shaping our lives and aligning us with His will. This message resonates deeply with New Hope’s mission to be rooted in God’s Word and renewed by the Holy Spirit. Rev. Pope encourages us to approach prayer as a necessity, a command, and a lifestyle, irrespective of life’s circumstances. Whether in trouble or joy, prayer remains our constant source of strength and connection with God. This aligns with New Hope’s commitment to love Jesus, care for all, and follow God’s guidance. To further explore and embody these values, visit New Hope’s Mission. Delve deeper into the transformative power of prayer with related teachings in our Message Archive.

Pastor Dan Parrish' sermon from the 9:30 am service.

Pastor Lavetta Pope's sermon from the 11:15 am service.

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