Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

April 7, 2024 | "Living on Fire For God” | Joseph Boettger

Embrace a fervent faith with Joseph Boettger’s sermon "Living on Fire for God," challenging believers to reject lukewarm Christianity and passionately serve Christ.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

11:15 AM - Praise Service


Joseph Boettger’s sermon, “Living on Fire for God,” delivered with the fervor of a committed youth, challenges us as the New Hope community to embody our faith beyond the church walls. Drawing insights from Revelation 3:16, Joseph cautions against spiritual complacency, urging us to be zealously engaged in our faith, not lukewarm but burning with passion for God. He posits that being ‘on fire for God’ means a life of no compromise, where our actions consistently reflect the transformative power of Christ within us. This aligns with New Hope’s mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ by being rooted in God’s Word, renewed by the Holy Spirit, and reaching the world for Jesus Christ (What We Believe). Joseph encourages us to scrutinize our spiritual fruits, to engage actively in sharing the Gospel, and to live a life distinctly set apart for God. This week, let each of us embrace the call to step out of our comfort zones, to share Jesus’s love in tangible ways within our communities, thereby embodying the values of love, grace, and bold faith that define us as followers of Christ. For more enriching sermons, visit our message archive (Message Archive).

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

February 18, 2024 | "Disruptions: God Breaking Through in the Everyday Interruptions" | Rev. Vicki Harrison

In the sermon "God Breaking Through in the Everyday Interruptions," Pastor Vicki Harrison enlightens us that the disruptions in our daily routines are not mere obstacles but potential divine appointments orchestrated by God. Drawing from Jesus' ministry in Mark 1:21-28, she illustrates how Jesus' most impactful acts and teachings often unfolded amidst interruptions. These moments were not distractions but opportunities for profound spiritual encounters and transformations.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

11:15 AM - Praise Service


In the sermon "God Breaking Through in the Everyday Interruptions," Pastor Vicki Harrison enlightens us that the disruptions in our daily routines are not mere obstacles but potential divine appointments orchestrated by God. Drawing from Jesus' ministry in Mark 1:21-28, she illustrates how Jesus' most impactful acts and teachings often unfolded amidst interruptions. These moments were not distractions but opportunities for profound spiritual encounters and transformations.

Pastor Harrison invites us to view the unexpected events that disrupt our plans through a new lens, seeing them as moments filled with the potential for God to work through us. This perspective challenges us to be open to God's guidance in every aspect of our lives, aligning with New Hope's mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ. It echoes our values of loving Jesus, caring for all people, and being open to taking risks and making bold decisions for the Gospel.

Let us embrace the unexpected interruptions in our lives as opportunities to serve God and others. Whether it's a chance encounter, a delay in our plans, or an unforeseen event, may we ask God what He is saying to us in those moments, what He wants us to do, and how we can use the opportunity to serve Him and bring Him glory. Let's commit to being attentive to the Holy Spirit's prompting, ready to act in love and obedience when God breaks through our daily routines.

For further reflection and to see how this message aligns with our mission and values, visit who we are and what we believe pages.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

February 4, 2024 | "Fresh Starts Fervent Prayers: From Religion to Living Faith" | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Discover the heart of true Christianity in Pastor Vicki Harrison's sermon "From Religion to Living Faith," exploring the journey from mere belief to a dynamic, living faith through being born again.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

11:15 AM - Praise Service


In her sermon "From Religion to Living Faith," Pastor Vicki Harrison explores the transformative power of prayer and the essence of salvation. She emphasizes that being a Christian extends beyond attending church or performing religious acts—it involves a genuine, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Pastor Harrison challenges the notion of "Christian atheism," where individuals identify as Christians but live without reflecting their faith in daily life. She elucidates the concept of being born again, not as a mere intellectual assent or religious ritual, but as a profound spiritual rebirth through the Holy Spirit. This sermon calls for introspection about our relationship with God and encourages us to ensure our faith is alive, dynamic, and evident in our actions. Pastor Harrison's message aligns with New Hope's mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ, urging us to deepen our faith and live out the truths of the gospel with grace and obedience.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

January 7, 2024 | "Fresh Starts Fervent Prayers: Just Pray" | Rev. Dan Parrish & Rev. Lavetta Pope

Uncover the essence of authentic prayer with Pastor Dan Parrish and Pastor Lavetta Pope in 'Just Pray', a sermon from 'Fresh Starts, Fervent Prayers', focusing on sincere communication with God.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service - Rev. Dan Parrish

11:15 AM - Praise Service - Rev. Lavetta Pope


In her introduction to the sermon series "Fresh Starts, Fervent Prayers," Pastor Vicki Harrison emphasizes the critical role of prayer in guiding and energizing the church's activities. She challenges the common practice of making plans first and then seeking God's blessing, advocating instead for beginning with prayer to discern God's direction. Pastor Vicki asserts that while many understand the mechanics of prayer, the true, transformative power of prayer might not be fully grasped by all. She expresses a firm belief that prayer can profoundly impact individual lives, families, the church, the community, and even the world.

Emphasizing this belief, Pastor Vicki announces a series of activities to focus on prayer's power. These include a call for the congregation to participate in a morning fast every Thursday, with the option to fast from various things like food, phones, or social media, and to pray specifically for the church and God's guidance. Additionally, she invites the congregation to attend the Wednesday night prayer gathering, assuring them of a welcoming and powerful experience.

In her closing remarks, Pastor Vicki expresses excitement and anticipation for the changes and blessings she believes God will bring to the church, setting an enthusiastic tone for the upcoming series and sermons.

In his sermon “Just Pray,” during the 9:30 hour, Pastor Dan Parrish emphasizes the simplicity and power of prayer, drawing inspiration from the book of James. He encourages the congregation to engage in prayer not as a formulaic exercise, but as a sincere, open-hearted dialogue with God. This approach aligns with New Hope’s mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ, highlighting the importance of being rooted in God’s Word and renewed by the Holy Spirit. Pastor Parrish’s message is a call to trust in the transformative power of prayer, to let go of the need for perfection in our prayer practices, and to embrace a direct, trusting communication with God. This reflects New Hope’s values of loving Jesus, caring about all people, and following God’s guidance. To deepen your understanding and practice of prayer in alignment with our mission, visit New Hope’s Mission and explore related teachings in our Message Archive.

In the 11:15 hour, in her empowering sermon “Just Pray,” Rev. Lavetta Pope explores the profound simplicity and power of prayer, drawing from James 5:13–18. She emphasizes that prayer is not just a ritual but a dynamic communication with God, shaping our lives and aligning us with His will. This message resonates deeply with New Hope’s mission to be rooted in God’s Word and renewed by the Holy Spirit. Rev. Pope encourages us to approach prayer as a necessity, a command, and a lifestyle, irrespective of life’s circumstances. Whether in trouble or joy, prayer remains our constant source of strength and connection with God. This aligns with New Hope’s commitment to love Jesus, care for all, and follow God’s guidance. To further explore and embody these values, visit New Hope’s Mission. Delve deeper into the transformative power of prayer with related teachings in our Message Archive.

Pastor Dan Parrish' sermon from the 9:30 am service.

Pastor Lavetta Pope's sermon from the 11:15 am service.

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December 24, 2023 Christmas Eve | "Cranky Christmas: Jesus: unexpected beauty, in the midst of the mess" | Rev. Vicki Harrison

"Discover the true essence of Christmas with Pastor Vicki Harrison's sermon 'Jesus: Unexpected Beauty, In the Midst of the Mess' - a journey from chaos to hope, rooted in New Hope's core beliefs."

5:00 PM - Family Blended Service

7:00 PM - Praise Service


In her insightful sermon, Pastor Vicki Harrison explores the reality of Christmas, contrasting our idealized visions with the raw, often chaotic truth of the first Christmas. She eloquently reveals how God's work often unfolds in the messiness of life, a theme deeply rooted in the mission of New Hope to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Vicki reminds us that like Mary and Joseph's unexpected journey, our lives too are filled with unforeseen challenges. Yet, in these moments, God is actively working to create beauty and purpose. The call to action here is clear: embrace life's imperfections and find solace in the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Let us be rooted in God’s Word, renewed by the Holy Spirit, and reach out to the world with this message of hope and resilience. For more on our mission, visit New Hope's Mission. Reflect on previous teachings in our Message Archive.

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