December 29, 2024 | "Who are you?” | Rev. Vicki Harrison
9:30 AM Service
In her compelling sermon titled "Who Are You?", Rev. Vicki Harrison delves into the essence of our identity as Christians, challenging listeners to contemplate their roles as servants of Christ. Drawing from her personal calling to shift the sermon's direction, she emphasizes the importance of heeding God's guidance and aligning our actions with His will. Using Apostle Paul's letters as a foundational reference, she explores the concept of being a 'doulos'—a servant or bond-servant of Christ. This role, as Rev. Harrison illustrates, is not about subservience but about embracing a life of purpose, freedom, and dedication to Jesus’ mission. She invites the congregation to reassess their lives as the year ends, urging them to fully embrace their identity as servants of Christ, thereby finding true freedom and fulfillment in committing wholly to God's plan.
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