Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

March 23, 2025 | "Christianity Explored: Jesus’ Identity:  Who is This Man?” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

In a storm-tossed boat, the disciples cry out, “Who is this man?” As Jesus calms the wind and waves, we’re left asking the same question. Explore the identity and authority of Jesus as revealed in the first chapters of Mark—and discover why it changes everything.

In week 2 of Christianity Explored, Rev. Vicki Harrison walks us through a foundational question of our faith: Who is Jesus? Drawing from Mark 4:35–41, we explore Jesus’ power over nature—and reflect on the deeper identity revealed through His miracles, teachings, and authority.

Mark doesn’t just tell us stories; he presents evidence. Jesus heals the sick, casts out demons, forgives sins, teaches with authority, calms storms, and raises the dead. These aren’t just acts of compassion—they are signs of His divine identity.

And when the disciples ask, “Who is this man?”—Mark invites us to answer that question for ourselves.

As you consider the message, take time to sit with these questions. You may want to journal your answers, talk about them with a trusted friend or group, or simply bring them to God in prayer:

1. What storms are you currently facing?

In what ways do you need to be reminded that Jesus is in the boat with you?

2. Have you ever asked, “Jesus, don’t you care?”

How did He respond—or how might He be responding now?

3. Which part of Jesus’ authority—over nature, illness, evil, death, or sin—do you find most comforting? Most challenging to believe?

4. Mark gives us a clear picture of who Jesus is. What do you believe about Him right now?

Be honest—are there areas of doubt, questions, or places where you long for more clarity?

5. What would it look like to give Jesus full authority over your life?

Are there any areas where you’re still holding on to control?

6. When you reflect on your life, how has Jesus already proven His presence, power, or love?

How might those memories strengthen your trust today?

7. What would it mean for you to rest in the boat—while the storm still rages—because Jesus is with you?

Can you pray for that kind of peace?

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March 16, 2025 | "Christianity Explored: Good News: What Are We Doing Here?” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

What happens when God says "No" to our plans? In Acts 16, Paul learns a crucial lesson: working for God's Kingdom is not just about effort—it’s about following God's vision. Discover how embracing God's direction leads to multiplication, revival, and a faith that grows in ways we never imagined.

9:30 AM Service

In Acts 16, Paul and his companions experience something unexpected—God tells them no. Twice, they try to enter different regions to preach the Gospel, but the Holy Spirit stops them. It’s only on the third attempt that Paul receives a vision, calling him to Macedonia. Why? Because God's mission isn't just about working harder—it's about working smarter by following His vision.

This sermon challenges us to examine our own plans vs. God’s vision. Have we been pushing forward in places where God has closed doors? Are we investing in fruitless ministries instead of multiplication-focused discipleship? Just as God led Paul to Macedonia to find Lydia, the jailer, and others who became key multipliers, He calls us to invest in people and places where His work will bear the most fruit.

The question is: Are we listening?

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January 19, 2025 | "Mission Ready: Grow Faith” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Spiritual growth isn’t optional—it’s essential. In Week 2 of our Mission Ready series, Pastor Vicki unpacks what it means to Grow Faith—moving beyond spiritual infancy into maturity. Learn why growing in faith matters, how to recognize spiritual immaturity, and how to take the next step in your journey with Jesus.

9:30 AM Service


Spiritual growth isn’t optional—it’s essential. In Week 2 of our Mission Ready series, Pastor Vicki unpacks what it means to Grow Faith—moving beyond spiritual infancy into maturity. Learn why growing in faith matters, how to recognize spiritual immaturity, and how to take the next step in your journey with Jesus.

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January 12, 2025 | "Mission Ready: Know Jesus” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Pastor Vicki Harrison's sermon, 'Know Jesus,' explores how to develop a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer, scripture, and community. Learn how to grow in your faith at New Hope Church.

9:30 AM Service


Pastor Vicki Harrison's sermon, "Know Jesus," from the Mission Ready series focused on moving beyond simply knowing facts about Jesus to cultivating a deep, personal relationship with Him. Using John 10 as the foundational scripture, she emphasized the difference between knowing about someone and truly knowing them. The sermon highlighted practical steps to grow in our faith, including prayer, scripture reading, and engaging in small community groups. The message challenged the congregation to take active steps toward knowing Jesus intimately and living out their faith through life transformation.

Join a small group, spend time in daily prayer, and commit to knowing Jesus deeply. Visit to find your community.

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January 5, 2025 | Wesleyan Covenant Service | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Rev. Vicki Harrison’s sermon at the Wesleyan Covenant Service explores John 15's depiction of Jesus as the true vine, emphasizing the critical need for believers to remain in Christ to live fruitfully and fulfill their call as His disciples.

9:30 AM Service


In her sermon at the Wesleyan Covenant Service, Rev. Vicki Harrison delves into the meaning of true discipleship through the lens of John 15, where Jesus describes Himself as the true vine. She challenges the congregation to consider their relationship with Jesus, emphasizing the importance of abiding in Christ to bear fruit in their spiritual and everyday lives. The service is a call to self-examination and rededication, encouraging everyone to reflect on their faithfulness as disciples of Christ. Rev. Harrison underscores the necessity of continual connection with Jesus, likening it to a vine providing life-sustaining sap to its branches, and stresses the role of pruning in fostering spiritual growth and fruitfulness.

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December 29, 2024 | "Who are you?” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Explore Rev. Vicki Harrison’s sermon "Who Are You?" as she challenges us to reflect on our identity as servants of Christ, encouraging a life dedicated to God’s purpose and the freedom it brings.

9:30 AM Service


In her compelling sermon titled "Who Are You?", Rev. Vicki Harrison delves into the essence of our identity as Christians, challenging listeners to contemplate their roles as servants of Christ. Drawing from her personal calling to shift the sermon's direction, she emphasizes the importance of heeding God's guidance and aligning our actions with His will. Using Apostle Paul's letters as a foundational reference, she explores the concept of being a 'doulos'—a servant or bond-servant of Christ. This role, as Rev. Harrison illustrates, is not about subservience but about embracing a life of purpose, freedom, and dedication to Jesus’ mission. She invites the congregation to reassess their lives as the year ends, urging them to fully embrace their identity as servants of Christ, thereby finding true freedom and fulfillment in committing wholly to God's plan.

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December 24, 2024 | "Shine in the Darkness: Christmas Eve” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Explore Rev. Vicki Harrison's Christmas Eve message from the "Light in the Darkness" series, where she illuminates how Jesus's birth offers enduring light in our lives' darkest moments, providing hope and transformation.

5:00 pm Family Service

7:00 pm Traditional Service


In her poignant Christmas Eve message titled "Light in the Darkness," Rev. Vicki Harrison invites us to reflect on the profound significance of Jesus’s birth into a world engulfed in both physical and spiritual darkness. She artfully draws connections between contemporary struggles with darkness, such as depression, anxiety, and loneliness, and the oppressive darkness experienced during Jesus's time under Roman rule. Rev. Harrison reminds us that Jesus, prophesied by Isaiah as a beacon of hope, was born to be the light in our darkness, offering salvation and a new way of being. Her message reaffirms the power of Jesus’s light to overcome any form of darkness we face today and encourages us to carry and share this light, transforming our surroundings and pointing others towards the Father.

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December 8, 2024 | "Shine in the Darkness: Darkness is Over!” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Explore how the light of Christ transforms darkness into hope in Rev. Vicki Harrison’s sermon, "The Darkness is Over!" from the "Shine in the Darkness" series.

9:30 AM Service


Rev. Vicki Harrison's sermon, "Darkness is Over!" part of the "Shine in the Darkness" series, centers on the prophetic words of Isaiah 9:2-7. Through these scriptures, Rev. Harrison explores the theme of light overcoming darkness. She emphasizes that even when we face periods of deep darkness, whether due to personal challenges or broader societal issues, the light of Christ has the power to break through and transform our experiences. This message encourages the congregation to not just hear about the light but to actively walk in it, embracing the hope and joy that comes from Jesus, our everlasting light.

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December 22, 2024 | "Shine in the Darkness: Let There… Be Light!” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

9:30 AM Service


In her sermon, "Let There… Be Light!” from the "Shine in the Darkness" series, Rev. Vicki Harrison explores the profound call for Christians to embody the light of Christ in a dark world. Drawing from Matthew 5:14-16, she emphasizes that as followers of Christ, we are not just carriers of light but are inherently the light of the world, tasked with demonstrating God’s goodness through our actions. Rev. Harrison encourages the congregation to live in such a way that points others towards God, transforming our communities by letting our light shine forth in all we do, thereby glorifying God. She challenges us to assess how we reflect this light in our daily interactions and community engagements, affirming that our role as bearers of light is not merely a calling but our identity in Christ.

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November 24, 2024 | "Blueprint for a Godly Life: Protected Against the Devil’s Schemes” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Explore the power of God's armor in our daily battles against spiritual forces in the "Protected Against the Devil’s Schemes" sermon, concluding the "Blueprint for a Godly Life" series at New Hope.

9:30 AM Service


In the concluding sermon of the "Blueprint for a Godly Life" series, Pastor Vicki Harrison addressed the pressing topic of spiritual warfare, emphasizing the reality and proximity of spiritual battles. Reflecting on Ephesians Chapter 6, Pastor Harrison reinforced the necessity of recognizing our spiritual conflicts, not as abstract or distant, but as intimate and pervasive influences in our daily lives.

She explored the theme of The Reality of Spiritual Warfare, querying our understanding of spiritual forces and challenging the Western dismissal of such notions due to rationalism. The sermon pressed on the importance of discerning spiritual influences beyond our own flawed actions, anchored in scriptural teachings.

Moving into Fighting the Battle, Pastor Harrison detailed the armor of God as our divine provision for spiritual defense, stressing the power of prayer and scripture as our primary offensive tools against satanic forces. She shared personal testimonies within the church community that resonated with the struggle against unseen spiritual pressures, illustrating the practical application of biblical truths in resisting spiritual attacks.

In an empowering conclusion, Pastor Harrison called for vigilance and spiritual readiness, advocating for a proactive stance against the devil’s schemes through prayer, scriptural engagement, and communal support. She reminded us that while the ultimate victory in Christ is certain, the daily battles require our active participation in faith, clad in the full armor of God.

Call to Action:

Join a community group to deepen your understanding of spiritual warfare and support each other in wearing the full armor of God daily. Engage in regular scriptural study and prayer to fortify your spiritual resilience.

For a deeper exploration of our spiritual defenses and to connect with our mission, visit New Hope's beliefs page and our mission page.

Download the Sermon Notes.

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November 17, 2024 | "Blueprint for a Godly Life: United By his Spirit” | Betty Bricker

Pastor Betty Bricker's sermon, "United By His Spirit," dives deep into family dynamics both in the biological and spiritual sense. Drawing on Ephesians 4:1-16, she encourages us to live lives worthy of our calling by embodying humility, gentleness, and patience. She explores how these virtues help maintain unity in the church, reflecting our identity as members of God's family. Pastor Bricker challenges us to use our diverse gifts in harmony, promoting peace and spiritual growth within our community. Join us at New Hope as we strive to be Rooted in God’s Word, Renewed by the Holy Spirit, and committed to Reaching the World for Jesus Christ.

9:30 AM Service


Pastor Betty Bricker's sermon, "United By His Spirit," dives deep into family dynamics both in the biological and spiritual sense. Drawing on Ephesians 4:1-16, she encourages us to live lives worthy of our calling by embodying humility, gentleness, and patience. She explores how these virtues help maintain unity in the church, reflecting our identity as members of God's family. Pastor Bricker challenges us to use our diverse gifts in harmony, promoting peace and spiritual growth within our community. Join us at New Hope as we strive to be Rooted in God’s Word, Renewed by the Holy Spirit, and committed to Reaching the World for Jesus Christ.

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November 10, 2024 | "Blueprint for a Godly Life: Reconciled Into His Family” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

9:30 AM Service


In her sermon "Reconciled Into His Family," Pastor Vicki Harrison explores the profound transformation brought by Christ as depicted in Ephesians chapter two. She underscores the transition from spiritual death to vibrant life, highlighting that through Christ's sacrifice, believers are not merely improved but fundamentally reborn. This rebirth enables us to transcend mere morality, fostering genuine unity and reconciliation within the community of believers. This sermon reminds us that our salvation, rooted in God's grace, calls us to live out our renewed identities, embodying the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. As we gather at New Hope, we are reminded of our mission to be Rooted in God’s Word, Renewed by the Holy Spirit, and dedicated to Reaching the World for Jesus Christ.

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November 3, 2024 | "Blueprint for a Godly Life: Celebrating God’s Purpose” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

9:30 AM Service


In the sermon "Celebrating God’s Purpose," Pastor Vicki Harrison explores the profound themes of adoption and identity in Christ as outlined in Ephesians 1:1-4. Drawing from her recent journey to Mozambique, she reflects on the tangible expressions of faith and empowerment among orphans who find hope and identity in their spiritual adoption. This sermon invites us to embrace our own spiritual blessings and identity as chosen children of God, urging us to live out our faith actively within the community and to extend this invitation to others. Join us in celebrating God's purpose and exploring how we are Rooted in God’s Word, Renewed by the Holy Spirit, and dedicated to Reaching the World for Jesus Christ.

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October 13, 2024 | "Creed: We Are Saints!” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Explore what it means to be a part of the 'communion of saints' in our latest sermon from the Creed series, "We Are Saints!" Join us as we dive into the Apostles' Creed, challenging and deepening our faith.

9:30 AM Service


In the sermon "We Are Saints!" from the "Creed" series, Pastor Vicki Harrison dives deep into the Apostles' Creed, emphasizing the significance of truly understanding and living by our Christian beliefs. She encourages the congregation to embody the creed by rejecting superficial Christianity and embracing the deeper, revolutionary aspects of faith. The sermon calls us to recognize the church not just as a building, but as a community of believers, the 'communion of saints', who live in shared faith and practice. Pastor Vicki urges us to stand firm in our beliefs, aligning our actions with the principles laid out in the Apostles' Creed and Rooted in God's Word. She invites everyone to reflect on their personal faith journey and to affirm their commitment to the creed, which acts as a profound declaration of allegiance to the triune God. Let’s come together to deepen our understanding and live out the transformative truths of our faith. Explore more about our mission and join us in reaching the world for Jesus Christ.

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October 6, 2024 | "Creed: I believe in the Holy Spirit!” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Explore the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in Pastor Vicki Harrison’s sermon, as she unpacks its role in guiding, empowering, and renewing our faith. Discover how to actively engage with the Spirit in your life.

9:30 AM Service


In her enlightening sermon “I Believe in the Holy Spirit!” Pastor Vicki Harrison guides us through the Apostle’s Creed, emphasizing the transformative and affirming power of the Holy Spirit. She elucidates the essential role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, from affirming our status as children of God to empowering us with spiritual gifts and ensuring our growth to be more Christ-like. Pastor Harrison passionately invites the congregation to embrace and seek more profound experiences with the Holy Spirit, advocating for a bold and dynamic engagement with our faith that transcends conventional worship.

This sermon invites us all to deepen our relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. It’s a call to actively pursue spiritual gifts, embrace the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives, and ultimately transform how we live and worship. To explore this further and to see how you can get involved in spiritual growth activities at New Hope, please visit New Hope’s mission and learn more about our values.

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September 29, 2024 | "Creed: I Believe Jesus is Alive & Will Come Again!” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

In this powerful sermon from the “Creed” series, Pastor Vicki Harrison unpacks the profound implications of the Apostles’ Creed, particularly focusing on the resurrection and return of Jesus Christ. She reinforces that the resurrection is not just a historical event but a cornerstone of our faith, offering us a new life and hope for eternity. Pastor Vicki emphasizes how this belief calls us to live dynamically, engaging actively in our mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ, by demonstrating God’s transformative power in our daily lives. The sermon invites us to embody the values of being rooted in God’s Word, renewal through the Holy Spirit, and reaching out to the world with Jesus’s message of love and hope. It culminates in a call to action, urging us to prepare for Jesus’s return by living out our faith boldly and visibly, making a tangible impact in the world.

9:30 AM Service


In this powerful sermon from the “Creed” series, Pastor Vicki Harrison unpacks the profound implications of the Apostles’ Creed, particularly focusing on the resurrection and return of Jesus Christ. She reinforces that the resurrection is not just a historical event but a cornerstone of our faith, offering us a new life and hope for eternity. Pastor Vicki emphasizes how this belief calls us to live dynamically, engaging actively in our mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ, by demonstrating God’s transformative power in our daily lives. The sermon invites us to embody the values of being rooted in God’s Word, renewal through the Holy Spirit, and reaching out to the world with Jesus’s message of love and hope. It culminates in a call to action, urging us to prepare for Jesus’s return by living out our faith boldly and visibly, making a tangible impact in the world.

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September 22, 2024 | "Creed: I Believe in Salvation in Jesus Christ” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Join Pastor Vicki Harrison as she explores the profound truths about salvation in Jesus Christ through the Apostle’s Creed. Discover the transformative power of His sacrifice and what it means for believers today.

9:30 AM Service


Pastor Vicki Harrison explores the profound significance of salvation through Jesus Christ in this sermon, emphasizing how His crucifixion bridges the chasm between sinfulness and God’s grace. Delving into the historical context and theological implications of Jesus’ suffering, death, and burial, the sermon addresses the brutal realities of His sacrifice, paralleled with His role as the ultimate atonement for humanity’s sins. Highlighting scriptures and teachings from the Apostle’s Creed, Pastor Harrison invites believers to reflect deeply on the personal and transformative impact of accepting Jesus’ sacrifice, urging them to embrace a life aligned with God’s eternal plan.

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September 15, 2024 | "Creed: I Believe in Jesus as Messiah and Lord” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

In the second week of the Creed series, Pastor Vicki Harrison delves into the profound significance of Jesus Christ as affirmed in the Apostles’ Creed. She underscores the declaration of Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the living God, and our Lord, exploring each title’s deep theological roots. The sermon unpacks key scripture passages, including Matthew 16:13-16, to illustrate Jesus’ identity and mission. Through her message, Pastor Harrison challenges the congregation to recognize and affirm Jesus’ lordship in their lives, transcending mere acknowledgment as Savior to embracing Him as the ultimate authority over all aspects of life.

9:30 AM Service


In the second week of the Creed series, Pastor Vicki Harrison delves into the profound significance of Jesus Christ as affirmed in the Apostles’ Creed. She underscores the declaration of Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the living God, and our Lord, exploring each title’s deep theological roots. The sermon unpacks key scripture passages, including Matthew 16:13-16, to illustrate Jesus’ identity and mission. Through her message, Pastor Harrison challenges the congregation to recognize and affirm Jesus’ lordship in their lives, transcending mere acknowledgment as Savior to embracing Him as the ultimate authority over all aspects of life.

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September 8, 2024 | "Creed: I believe in God the Father” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

In the sermon “I Believe in God the Father,” Pastor Vicki Harrison initiates the “Creed” series, focusing on the profound truths embedded in the Apostles’ Creed. This series, deeply rooted in the community and faith of New Hope, aims to fortify believers with a robust understanding of foundational Christian doctrines, guiding daily actions and strengthening communal bonds.

9:30 AM Service


In the sermon “I Believe in God the Father,” Pastor Vicki Harrison initiates the “Creed” series, focusing on the profound truths embedded in the Apostles’ Creed. This series, deeply rooted in the community and faith of New Hope, aims to fortify believers with a robust understanding of foundational Christian doctrines, guiding daily actions and strengthening communal bonds.

Pastor Vicki highlights the revolutionary nature of declaring the Apostles’ Creed, emphasizing its role in defining and defending core Christian beliefs against cultural and historical waves of materialism, consumerism, and relativism. By reciting “I believe,” rather than “I know,” she distinguishes our faith-driven convictions that actively shape our life choices, unlike mere knowledge which often fails to impact behavior.

The sermon beautifully unfolds the dual nature of God as the Almighty Creator and a loving Father, illustrating God’s power and parental care with scriptural backing and relatable analogies. This approach not only aligns with New Hope’s values of being “Rooted in God’s Word” and “Renewed by the Holy Spirit” but also reinforces the church’s mission to deepen the faith of its congregation and reach out to the world with the message of Jesus Christ’s love and salvation.

The call to action for the congregation is to engage deeply with the Creed study, ensuring that every member understands and lives out the truths of their faith, fostering unity and purpose within the community. This reflective and educational journey promises to equip believers to articulate their faith better and to live out the transformative power of the Gospel in every aspect of life.

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August 25, 2024 | "From Doubts to Doorways: Faith and Hard Questions” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

In the “From Doubts to Doorways” series, Pastor Vicki Harrison tackles the challenging question: Is Jesus the only way to salvation? Drawing from John 14:1-6 and other scriptural references, Pastor Harrison emphasizes Jesus’ exclusive claim as the only way to the Father, highlighting the consistency of this message across the New Testament. She addresses common doubts and questions about the fairness and inclusivity of this claim, reinforcing that Jesus’ sacrificial death underlines its truth. The sermon calls for reflection on our personal beliefs and challenges us to align our actions with the conviction that Jesus is indeed the only path to eternal life, urging outreach and evangelism as natural responses to this belief. Learn more about our mission.

9:30 AM Service


In our latest sermon from the “From Doubts to Doorways” series, Pastor Vicki Harrison courageously addresses one of the most challenging questions for any Christian: Is Jesus truly the only way to salvation? Through a thoughtful exploration of biblical texts, particularly John 14:1-6, Pastor Harrison affirms the scriptural claim of Jesus’ exclusivity in offering salvation.

The sermon not only delves into the theological implications of this belief but also encourages personal reflection on how this truth shapes our interactions and missions as Christians. As we consider our own beliefs, we are urged to live out this truth actively, reaching out to those who have not yet heard the message of Jesus.

The discussion is not just theological but deeply practical, urging us to transform our understanding into action. If we accept that Jesus is the only way to eternal life, our lives should reflect a commitment to sharing this vital truth with others. This sermon is a call to both conviction and action, to embrace the sometimes uncomfortable truth of our faith and to act upon it in our daily lives, ensuring that everyone hears the hope of the gospel.

Let us be inspired by Pastor Harrison’s words to renew our dedication to living out our faith in a way that brings others into the loving embrace of Jesus Christ.

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