Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

June 23, 2024 | "Fundamentals: Committing To the Journey” | Rev. Roberto Chaple

In the sermon “Committing To the Journey” from the “Fundamentals” series, Pastor Roberto Chaple focuses on the critical aspects of our spiritual journey with Christ. Drawing from Philippians 3:12-14, he emphasizes the necessity of actively pursuing the path that Jesus has set for us, rather than passively awaiting spiritual growth. He highlights the need for persistence, consistency, and a forward-looking mindset to embrace the challenges and opportunities of spiritual development. Reflecting New Hope’s mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ, Pastor Chaple urges the congregation to take personal responsibility in their faith journey, carrying their “spiritual fundamentals” in every step of their daily lives. This sermon inspires us to reassess our current spiritual status and strive towards deeper engagement with God’s purpose.

9:30 AM Worship Service


In the sermon “Committing To the Journey” from the “Fundamentals” series, Pastor Roberto Chaple focuses on the critical aspects of our spiritual journey with Christ. Drawing from Philippians 3:12–14, he emphasizes the necessity of actively pursuing the path that Jesus has set for us, rather than passively awaiting spiritual growth. He highlights the need for persistence, consistency, and a forward-looking mindset to embrace the challenges and opportunities of spiritual development. Reflecting New Hope’s mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ, Pastor Chaple urges the congregation to take personal responsibility in their faith journey, carrying their “spiritual fundamentals” in every step of their daily lives. This sermon inspires us to reassess our current spiritual status and strive towards deeper engagement with God’s purpose.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

June 16, 2024 | "Fundamentals: Discerning How We Get There” | Rev. Roberto Chaple

Pastor Roberto Chaple’s sermon, "Discerning How We Get There," highlights the ongoing journey of faith, emphasizing the importance of staying true to our spiritual fundamentals. He discusses the significance of being persistent in our faith journey, drawing inspiration from Apostle Paul’s writings in Philippians 3:12-14. Pastor Chaple encourages us to recognize and celebrate our current spiritual state, even when facing challenges, and to continuously strive towards the goals set before us by Christ. As part of New Hope's mission to [make more and better followers of Jesus Christ](, he calls on the congregation to engage actively in their faith, avoiding complacency and embracing the dynamic path laid out by Jesus. This sermon inspires us to reflect on our personal spiritual journeys, urging us to press on towards spiritual maturity and deeper commitment to God’s purpose.

9:30 AM Worship Service


Pastor Roberto Chaple’s sermon, “Discerning How We Get There,” highlights the ongoing journey of faith, emphasizing the importance of staying true to our spiritual fundamentals. He discusses the significance of being persistent in our faith journey, drawing inspiration from Apostle Paul’s writings in Philippians 3:12–14. Pastor Chaple encourages us to recognize and celebrate our current spiritual state, even when facing challenges, and to continuously strive towards the goals set before us by Christ. As part of New Hope’s mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ, he calls on the congregation to engage actively in their faith, avoiding complacency and embracing the dynamic path laid out by Jesus. This sermon inspires us to reflect on our personal spiritual journeys, urging us to press on towards spiritual maturity and deeper commitment to God’s purpose.

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

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Other Sermons from Pastor Vicki

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

February 18, 2024 | "Disruptions: God Breaking Through in the Everyday Interruptions" | Rev. Vicki Harrison

In the sermon "God Breaking Through in the Everyday Interruptions," Pastor Vicki Harrison enlightens us that the disruptions in our daily routines are not mere obstacles but potential divine appointments orchestrated by God. Drawing from Jesus' ministry in Mark 1:21-28, she illustrates how Jesus' most impactful acts and teachings often unfolded amidst interruptions. These moments were not distractions but opportunities for profound spiritual encounters and transformations.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

11:15 AM - Praise Service


In the sermon "God Breaking Through in the Everyday Interruptions," Pastor Vicki Harrison enlightens us that the disruptions in our daily routines are not mere obstacles but potential divine appointments orchestrated by God. Drawing from Jesus' ministry in Mark 1:21-28, she illustrates how Jesus' most impactful acts and teachings often unfolded amidst interruptions. These moments were not distractions but opportunities for profound spiritual encounters and transformations.

Pastor Harrison invites us to view the unexpected events that disrupt our plans through a new lens, seeing them as moments filled with the potential for God to work through us. This perspective challenges us to be open to God's guidance in every aspect of our lives, aligning with New Hope's mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ. It echoes our values of loving Jesus, caring for all people, and being open to taking risks and making bold decisions for the Gospel.

Let us embrace the unexpected interruptions in our lives as opportunities to serve God and others. Whether it's a chance encounter, a delay in our plans, or an unforeseen event, may we ask God what He is saying to us in those moments, what He wants us to do, and how we can use the opportunity to serve Him and bring Him glory. Let's commit to being attentive to the Holy Spirit's prompting, ready to act in love and obedience when God breaks through our daily routines.

For further reflection and to see how this message aligns with our mission and values, visit who we are and what we believe pages.

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

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