June 2, 2024 | "Fundamentals: Celebrating Where We Are” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

9:30 AM Worship Service


In the sermon "Celebrating Where We Are," part of the "Fundamentals" series, Rev. Vicki Harrison explores the importance of appreciating the current moment in our spiritual journey while maintaining a focus on the ultimate goal—living in accordance with God's will. Drawing from Philippians 3:12-14, Rev. Harrison encourages the congregation to recognize the ongoing process of faith, which is not about reaching a final destination but continually striving towards Christ-like living. She reflects on the church's history and current activities, emphasizing that every part of the church's journey is guided by Jesus Christ, making Him central in all endeavors (mission of New Hope). Rev. Harrison calls on the congregation to not only remember where they have been but also to actively engage in where they are, celebrating current successes and preparing for future challenges, all while being rooted in God’s Word and led by the Holy Spirit. The sermon ends with a call to action to partake in communion as a unified body, celebrating the community's unity and dedication to God's mission.

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More Sermons in this Series

Other Sermons from Pastor Vicki


June 9, 2024 | "Fundamentals: Defining Where We Are Going” | Rev. Vicki Harrison


Sunday, May 26, 2024 | Memorial Day: “Don’t Forget to Remember” | Rev. Vicki Harrison