Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

January 28, 2024 | "Fresh Starts Fervent Prayers: Stories of Prayer" | Rev. Vicki Harrison

Uncover the essence of authentic prayer with Pastor Dan Parrish and Pastor Lavetta Pope in 'Just Pray', a sermon from 'Fresh Starts, Fervent Prayers', focusing on sincere communication with God.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

11:15 AM - Praise Service


In the recent sermon, “Stories of Prayer,” part of the “Fresh Starts, Fervent Prayers” series at New Hope, Pastor Vicki Harrison and a panel of guests shared powerful personal testimonies on the transformative impact of prayer. This aligns closely with New Hope’s mission of making more and better followers of Jesus Christ through being ROOTED in God’s Word, RENEWED by the Holy Spirit, and REACHING the world for Jesus Christ.

The sermon highlighted the essence of prayer as a life-changing force. Testimonies ranged from experiences of divine intervention in times of financial struggle, healing from physical and emotional pain, to the profound impact of prayer on personal and professional life decisions. Each story illustrated a deep reliance on God, echoing New Hope’s values of loving Jesus, caring about all people, following God’s guidance, and living out the truth with grace.

The panelists’ experiences reiterated the belief that prayer is not just a ritual but a dynamic conversation with God, capable of altering lives and strengthening faith. In line with New Hope’s belief in the Bible as the source of all truth, scriptures like Mark 11:24 and James 5:13–16 were cited, emphasizing the power and effectiveness of prayer.

As a call-to-action, we encourage you to deepen your prayer life, reflecting on your own ‘Stories of Prayer’. Whether you are facing challenges or celebrating joys, let prayer be your steadfast companion. For further inspiration and guidance, explore our previous sermons in the “Fresh Starts, Fervent Prayers” below.

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

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Other Sermons from Pastor Vicki

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

January 21, 2024 | "Fresh Starts Fervent Prayers: Effective Prayers" | Rev. Roberto Chaple

In his insightful sermon "Effective Prayers," Pastor Roberto Chaple emphasizes the power and significance of prayer in aligning ourselves with God's will. He elucidates that effective prayer is not about attaining what we desire, but about surrendering to God's plan. Through various biblical examples and personal anecdotes, Pastor Chaple illustrates how prayer transforms us, helping us move from self-reliance to complete dependence on God. He also explores the different ways God may respond to our prayers—sometimes with a clear answer, sometimes in silence, and at times with a gentle redirection. This sermon invites us to a deeper understanding of prayer as a journey of trust, surrender, and transformation.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

We apologize, but the 9:30 service is incomplete. What is shown is the most complete version available.

11:15 AM - Praise Service


In his insightful sermon "Effective Prayers," Pastor Roberto Chaple emphasizes the power and significance of prayer in aligning ourselves with God's will. He elucidates that effective prayer is not about attaining what we desire, but about surrendering to God's plan. Through various biblical examples and personal anecdotes, Pastor Chaple illustrates how prayer transforms us, helping us move from self-reliance to complete dependence on God. He also explores the different ways God may respond to our prayers—sometimes with a clear answer, sometimes in silence, and at times with a gentle redirection. This sermon invites us to a deeper understanding of prayer as a journey of trust, surrender, and transformation.

Embrace the transformative power of prayer in your life. Start each day by surrendering your plans to God’s will, and join us in our commitment to being a praying church. Explore more about our mission and values here, and revisit powerful sermons on prayer here.

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

More Sermons in this Series

Other Sermons from Pastor Roberto

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