"Kingdom Heroes: Faith" | Rev Dr Vicki Harrison | August 14, 2022
9:00 Traditional Service

11:00 AM Praise Service

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More Sermons in this Series
"When we bet on God, he can give us a whole new future. What kinds of risks might God be asking you to take? A Kingdom Hero is one who takes risks when God calls.“ - Rev Dr. Vicki Harrison
"Obedience means to hear, trust, submit and surrender to God. Noah heard God, he trusted God, and he obeyed God. How do we stand firm in what we believe, being obedient to God, but also treat others with love and respect?“ - Rev Dr. Vicki Harrison
"Worship is the recognition of God for who he is, for what he has done, and what we are trusting him to do. How often am I in reverent awe of God?“ - Rev Dr Vicki Harrison
"A Kingdom hero is a committed Christian who perseveres by faith in order to experience spiritual victory and divine approval.“ - Rev Dr Vicki Harrison
"We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. This leads us to throw off anything that hinders our race. Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.“ - Rev Dr. Vicki Harrison