Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Under Pressure: Peace" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | July 2, 2023

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

11:15 AM - Praise Service


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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Seven: Laodicea" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | June 11, 2023

9:00 Traditional Service

11:00 AM Praise Service

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Seven: Philadelphia" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | June 4, 2023

9:00 Traditional Service

11:00 AM Praise Service

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Seven: Sardis" | Pastor Roberto Chaple | May 28, 2023

9:00 Traditional Service

11:00 AM Praise Service

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Seven: Thyatira" | Pastor Roberto Chaple | May 14, 2023

“As a response to these tensions, many Christians accommodated their faith in order to tolerate the demands of the culture. This is why Jesus said... "Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching, she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. For many Christians in Thyatira, tolerance was their willingness to compromise their faith and coexist with beliefs and behaviors that differed from God's. They had sacrificed their faith in the altar of business.“ - Pastor Roberto Chaple

9:00 Traditional Service

11:00 AM Praise Service

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Seven: Pergamum" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | May 7, 2023

9:00 Traditional Service

Unfortunately, due to the power outage, we were unable to record our 9:00 am service successfully.
Our 11:00 am service below features most of the same information, as well as,
the sermon preached is exactly the same.

11:00 AM Praise Service


Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Seven: Smyrna" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | April 30, 2023

“Jesus’ letter to Smyrna is only one of two letters with no rebuke. Rather, this is a letter of encouragement. What does Jesus say to the Christians at Smyrna? Jesus says that he knows their affliction and poverty. The church was living under serious persecution. Those who professed Christ risked imprisonment and physical torture. They also experienced poverty because of their faith. Since Christianity wasn’t legal, both Jews and pagans would take advantage of the believers. Their belongings were pillaged and they could be banned from taking part in commerce.“ - Pastor Vicki

9:00 Traditional Service

11:00 AM Praise Service

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Seven: Ephesus" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | April 23, 2023

"Everything hinges on love. The Ephesians had drifted from that. On the surface, they were doing what they were supposed to do. But their hearts had grown hard, they had lost their passion and love for God. And when we lose our passion and love for Jesus, then it's inevitable that we will lose our love for others." - Pastor Vicki

9:00 Traditional Service

11:00 AM Praise Service

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

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