Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Come Back to Me: Longing Love" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | May 29, 2022

“How far is God willing to go? All the way to the cross. God is calling us all back to him.” - Pastor Vicki

9:00 Traditional Service

How far is God willing to go? All the way to the cross. God is calling us all back to him.
— Pastor Vicki

11:00 am Praise Service

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More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Come Back to Me: Unpopular Love" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | May 15, 2022

“What we believe about God is demonstrated not by our church activities but by how we live the rest of the week.” - Pastor Vicki

9:00 Traditional Service

What we believe about God is demonstrated not by our church activities but by how we live the rest of the week.
— Pastor Vicki

11:00 am Praise Service

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Come Back to Me: Hope-giving Love" | Pastor Roberto Chaple | May 8, 2022

“False hope comes when we think we are in control. But true hope comes when we trust in the One who is always in control. Habakkuk’s hope was the same as Ezekiel’s, who saw God sitting on the throne even in the midst of exile.” - Pastor Roberto

9:00 Traditional Service

False hope comes when we think we are in control. But true hope comes when we trust in the One who is always in control. Habakkuk’s hope was the same as Ezekiel’s, who saw God sitting on the throne even in the midst of exile.
— Pastor Roberto

11:00 am Praise Service

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Roberto Chaple

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Come Back to Me: Healing Love" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | May 1, 2022

“How often do we put our wants and desires before what God calls us to do? Jesus still calls us to turn from our ways and come back to him. How do you need Jesus to refine your heart? How is God calling you back to him today?” - Pastor Vicki

9:00 Traditional Service

How often do we put our wants and desires before what God calls us to do? Jesus still calls us to turn from our ways and come back to him. How do you need Jesus to refine your heart? How is God calling you back to him today?
— Pastor Vicki

11:00 am Praise Service


Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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