July 14, 2024 | "Daniel: Faithful in Listening to God’s Voice” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

9:30 AM -Traditional Service


In her sermon “Faithful in Listening to God’s Voice,” part of the “Daniel” series, Rev. Vicki Harrison explores the themes of divine sovereignty and faithfulness in hostile environments, using the Book of Daniel as a foundation. Rev. Harrison emphasizes how, despite the pressures of a culture antagonistic towards God, individuals can still thrive and stay true to their spiritual convictions. She illustrates this through the story of Daniel and his companions, who navigate their existence in Babylon without compromising their faith. The sermon calls on the congregation to discern and respond to God’s communication in their lives, whether through scripture, prayer, or spiritual community insights. By aligning our actions with God’s guidance, we demonstrate our trust in His sovereignty over our lives and history.

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More Sermons in this Series

Other Sermons from Pastor Vicki


July 21, 2024 | "Daniel: A Fireproof Faith” | Rev. Lavetta Pope


July 7, 2024 | "Daniel: Faithful in Small Things” | Rev. Vicki Harrison