New Year's Gala
Passion Student Ministry is hosting a New Year’s Gala on January 8, 2021, at 7pm.
Enjoy a night full of dancing, food, and fun!
Tickets are just $25 per person and include an hour of FREE ballroom dancing instruction and FREE childcare for the event.
This is the perfect event to invite your neighbors, family, and friends!
For more information contact Chris Temple or Emmy Roberts.
Gift of Hope 2021
Learn more on how you can help this season with Gift of Hope
For many people, the holidays are celebrated with family and friends, but that is not true for hundreds of families in the Greater Brandon area who are walking through very difficult economic times. Responding to the great need in our community, New Hope along with other churches in the Greater Brandon area are partnering with ECHO in sponsoring Gift of Hope. For Christmas, not only will the families receive the items needed to make a great Christmas meal, they will also have the opportunity to shop for toys for each of their children!
BAKERS NEEDED!! Family Promise Cookie Sale and Silent Auction
The Family Promise Cookie Sale and Silent Auction is coming up on December 5, 2020 and December 6, 2020.
Family Promise cookie sale is in need of bakers! If you are willing to bake some beautiful and delicious Christmas cookies to benefit one of our closest mission partners, contact Patsy Craven via email or at (813) 689-4161.
The Family Promise Cookie Sale and Silent Auction will take place on December 4 and December 5, 2021, at the New Hope Life Center. The sale will run from 9am - 3pm
All proceeds from the sale will benefit one of our closest mission partners - Family Promise - which helps homeless families gain self-sufficiency and transition into stable housing.
Military Mail Out 2021
Our Military Mail Out will be hosted in conjunction with the Family Promise Cookie Sale and Silent Auction on Sunday, December 5, 2021.
Our Military Mail Out will be hosted in conjunction with the Family Promise Cookie Sale and Silent Auction on Sunday, December 5, 2021.
A team of volunteers will be assembling boxes of goodies to be sent to our servicemen and women living abroad. Items can be purchased directly from the cookie sale to be added to the boxes.
If you have a friend or loved one serving our country and would like to have a box mailed to them CLICK HERE or give us a call at (813) 689-4161 to update their address and to provide us with additional information.
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection
Millions of people take time every fall to carefully shop for and pack shoeboxes. These simple gifts bring great joy as children and their families learn about the true meaning of Christmas. You can pack a shoebox online for $25 per box or you can create your own box and drop it off at church. Either way, you will make a difference in a child's life.
All shoeboxes are due no later than November 20, 20221.
2022 Budget Information
The 2022 Budget for New Hope is now available. Please take a moment to review our Narrative Budget document below. You can also complete your Estimate Card for 2022.
Sharing The Gospel Seminars
Sharing Your Faith in Everyday Conversation is an in-depth opportunity to provide inspiration, tools, and confidence for disciples of Jesus to go and share the gospel. This is your chance to live out our mission of going and making more and better followers of Jesus Christ! Watch the video below with Steve and Sheri Pfaffman for more information.
Sessions available are:
Saturday Opportunities from 9am - 12pm
Lesson 1 on November 6
Lesson 2 on November 13
Thursday Opportunities 6p - 9pm
Lesson 1 on November 11
Lesson 2 on November 18
For more information or to register by phone contact Paton via email or at (813) 689-4161
Harvest of Hope
Harvest of Hope will provide the opportunity for our New Hope Family to collect and deliver Thanksgiving Meals to families in need right here in Brandon and our surrounding communities.
Partnering with Hope for Her (formerly known as the Women's Resource Center) we are asking for donations, whether it is your time, talents, or your resources, to support Harvest of Hope by purchasing items from the shopping list, SERVING at our meal packing and delivery day or better yet doing all three!
Last year we provided 300 meal boxes to families across the Brandon area with the support of our New Hope Family. This year we have set a goal of 300 boxes - let’s do this New Hope!
If you or someone you know is interested in receiving Harvest of Hope Box click the learn more button for information on registration.
If you are interested in Volunteering for Harvest of Hope click the learn more button for details on open volunteer positions and ways that you can help.
NEW Thoughtful Thursday Blog is HERE
Check out our weekly Thoughtful Thursday Blog Posts below!
New Worship Times Starting September 12, 2021
Starting September 12, 2021. Watch this video for all the details.
Questions? Email us anytime HERE.
Lasagna for McLane Middle School Staff
Help support McLane Middle School staff TODAY!
Each year New Hope provides lasagna for the teachers and staff at McLane Middle School which is right down the road from our main campus. This year we are unable to provide home-made lasagna and are asking for monetary donations to purchase pre-packaged lasagna! Donations can be made online at HERE or dropped off at the church office during normal business hours.
Questions? Contact us via email or at the church office (813_ 689-4161.
Monthly Mission Focus for June & July 2021
Support our Mission Partners and Greater Brandon Community.
Our mission focus for May and June will be Family Promise and the collection of school supplies for the 2021/2022 school year.
Christmas in July with Operation Christmas Child
Christmas in July is HERE!
Millions of people take time every fall to carefully shop for and pack shoeboxes. These simple gifts bring great joy as children and their families learn about the true meaning of Christmas. However, Operation Christmas Child is not just reserved for Christmas. This year, New Hope is having Christmas in July! You can pack a shoebox online for $25 per box or you can create your own box and drop it off at church. Either way, you will make a difference in a child's life.
NH Kids and Passion Student Ministry Programming for July 4, 2021
New Hope Kids and Passion Student Ministry will not be meeting on July 4, 2021.
This Sunday we will offer child care ONLY for children 2 and under during both the 9am and 10:30am service. We hope to see everyone in "big church"!
COVID-19 Update for June 25, 2021
Face Covering Requirements effective June 25, 2021
June 25, 2021
An important Face Covering Update from New Hope:
Indoor and outdoor mask wearing is optional for those fully vaccinated while masks are encouraged for unvaccinated or immune-compromised persons.
We care about the safety and well-being of every individual who is part of our extended church family. We trust that all who attend our worship services and other campus events will honor these guidelines with integrity and compassion.
For the time being, we will continue with other COVID-19 safety guidelines. These include social distancing for most gatherings, using electronic check-in before worship services, and extensive cleaning before and after events.
For those who still are not comfortable with in-person gatherings, our online campus will continue to stay dynamic and active.
Thank you for your patience as we have navigated the difficulties of the last year.
Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Vicki
New Hope Online Store NOW OPEN!
Support our children and youth ministry with every purchase!
COVID-19 Update for May 21, 2021
Face Covering Requirements effective May 21, 2021
May 21, 2021
An important update from Pastor Vicki Harrison:
Based on the new recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and the Florida Conference of the UMC, New Hope has revised its mask policy.
Indoor and outdoor mask wearing will now be optional for fully vaccinated people. Persons who have not been fully vaccinated or are unable to receive a vaccine are asked to continue to wear a mask and observe CDC recommended safety protocols.
We care about the safety and well-being of every individual who is part of our extended church family. We trust that all who attend our worship services and other campus events will honor these guidelines with integrity and compassion.
For the time being, we will continue with other COVID-19 safety guidelines. These include social distancing for most gatherings, using electronic check-in before worship services, and extensive cleaning before and after events.
For those who still are not comfortable with in-person gatherings, our online campus will continue to stay dynamic and active.
Thank you for your patience as we have navigated the difficulties of the last year.
Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Vicki
COVID-19 Update for May 15, 2021
Face Covering Update for May 15, 2021
Over the past several days both the CDC and the Florida Conference of the UMC updated their recommendations for vaccinated individuals wearing masks indoors. Considering these changes, New Hope will reevaluate our mask policy this coming week as well. The executive team will draft a proposal to be voted on by the leadership team very soon. Whatever changes are made will be widely communicated with all.
Pastor Vicki Harrison
Be sure you have completed our Communication Survey. Updates will be sent out via our weekly e-newsletter and social media channels.
We are continuing to:
Sanitize all common areas before and after services
Require all attenders over the age of seven (7) to wear a mask while on campus
Adhere to social distancing guidelines
Provide overflow worship space for each service
Highly recommend that we continue with no congregational singing
New Hope is also committed to provide an engaging and Spirit-filled online worship experience to allow our church family the opportunity to stay connected each week without venturing out to our campus locations. For those who do not yet feel comfortable returning to campus we hope that you will join us online each week and connect with others through our moderation and interactive services.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us via email or at (813) 689-4161.
Monthly Mission Focus for May and June 2021
Support our Mission Partners and Greater Brandon Community.
Our mission focus for May and June will be Family Promise and the collection of school supplies for the 2021/2022 school year.