Hitting the Wall      

Theme: Hitting the Wall                                                                                                    

Verse: Psalm 40:1-3

Have you ever “Hit the Wall” in a race? If you haven’t, you will at some point and let me tell you it is the worst feeling. Your body is simply out of energy (glycogens) and there you are out on the course will nothing left and still some race to run.

Our lives can be like that sometimes as well. Maybe we have anxiety or fear about a new job, a new relationship, or a move coming up and that anxiety simply shuts us down.  We feel as if we cannot continue. When those things happen, it is a good idea to put things in God’s hands and let him fill us up to continue the race. Our scripture tells us that He will lift us up and set us on solid ground.

So, whether it is in your run training or in our daily lives, we can be assured that God is there beside us to help us when we Hit the Wall.

Have a great week!

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