Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Vision: REACHING the World for Jesus" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | January 23, 2022

"At New Hope, our vision is to be ROOTED in God’s Word, RENEWED by the Holy Spirit, and REACHING the world for Jesus. Over and over again, Jesus shows us that individual people matter to God." - Pastor Vicki

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At New Hope, our vision is to be ROOTED in God’s Word, RENEWED by the Holy Spirit, and REACHING the world for Jesus.
Over and over again, Jesus shows us that individual people matter to God.
— Pastor Vicki

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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Vision: RENEWED by the Spirit" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | January 16, 2022

"When we say Yes to Jesus, when we walk over the line of faith and accept Jesus as our Savior, then the Holy Spirit (the very breath of God) comes and dwells within us. Just like the disciples, just like the early church, the Holy Spirit comes and makes a home in us." - Pastor Vicki

Sermon Only

When we say Yes to Jesus, when we walk over the line of faith and accept Jesus as our Savior, then the Holy Spirit (the very breath of God) comes and dwells within us. Just like the disciples, just like the early church, the Holy Spirit comes and makes a home in us.
— Pastor Vicki

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Vision: Rooted in God's Word" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | January 9, 2022

"Why rooted in God’s Word? Because we meet Jesus on the pages of Scripture!" - Pastor Vicki

Sermon Only

Why rooted in God’s Word? Because we meet Jesus on the pages of Scripture!
— Pastor Vicki

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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