Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

October 29, 2023 "Count Me In: Integrity Matters" | Pastor Vicki Harrison

10:00 AM - Combined Service

Pastor Vicki's sermon focuses on the theme of integrity and being all in with Jesus. She begins by expressing gratitude for the testimonial videos shared by Bob and Lisa. She emphasizes the power of hearing people's stories about their commitment to Jesus and their sacrifices for God's work.

This sermon is the concluding part of the "Count Me In" series, which is centered around wholehearted devotion to Jesus. Pastor Vicki highlights how the broader church has sometimes settled for intellectual belief without genuine transformation, which has affected its impact on society.

She emphasizes that the church, specifically New Hope, stands on the brink of something significant, but it requires active participation and commitment from the congregation. The series has covered various aspects of submitting different areas of life to Jesus, including understanding God's love, the importance of the church community, serving, and giving.

In this final part, the focus is on personal behavior and lifestyle, underscoring that how believers conduct themselves matters significantly. Pastor Vicki defines integrity as being the same person both in public and behind closed doors. She stresses that integrity is a central distinctive of a follower of Jesus and that it's about allowing God to work within individuals to develop an unwavering determination to do right, even when it's challenging.

The sermon concludes with a call to self-reflection, encouraging listeners to consider if there's anything in their lives that needs alignment with godly values. Pastor Vicki reminds the congregation that they are ambassadors for Jesus, representing the kingdom of God in the world, and urges them to live lives of integrity and commitment to Christ.

The sermon closes with a prayer for God's guidance, a reaffirmation of the congregation's belonging to Jesus, and an invocation for God's blessing and anointing upon the church. The message emphasizes the high calling of following Jesus wholeheartedly and living lives that honor God.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

October 22, 2023 "Count Me In: Giving Matters" | Pastor Vicki Harrison

Pastor Vicki Harrison, sharing powerful insights on surrendering to Jesus in every aspect of life.

9:30 AM - Traditional Service

11:15 AM - Praise Service

Pastor Vicki Harrison's sermon, "Giving Matters," is all about going all in with Jesus in every part of her life. It's part of the "Count Me In" series, which is all about saying a big yes to Jesus.

The main verse we’ve been focusing on is Galatians 2:20, which talks about how we’re transformed when we says yes to Jesus. Basically, our old self is left behind, and we each become a new person with the Holy Spirit living in us, bringing a ton of power along with it.

Pastor Vicki reminds us that God doesn't force change on us. We have to be willing to work with the Holy Spirit. We might be a new person in Jesus, but it's still our choice whether we'll actually live like it. She thinks that sometimes in the American church, we've settled for just believing in Jesus without letting that belief really change us.

She believes that the world outside is looking for more than just words. They want to see power, real change, and to see that being a part of Jesus' church makes a difference. She's convinced that being part of Jesus' church can be a game-changer, and that their church, New Hope, is on the brink of some big things if they're willing to cooperate with God.

The series has covered a bunch of areas where we're learning to submit to Jesus, like understanding God's love, the importance of the church community, and the significance of leadership. This week, they're diving into why giving matters. Pastor Vicki knows talking about money can be uncomfortable, but it's crucial because money plays a big role in the Bible's story.

She shares some teachings from Jesus, pointing out how earthly treasures can easily fade away or be lost, and how their hearts tend to follow where they invest their time and money. It's a radical way of thinking compared to the world's values.

She gets personal, recalling how her dad, when he became a Christian, was all in with Jesus. He tithed, giving 10% without exceptions, and he taught her to do the same with her allowance. It made a lasting impression on her about everything being a gift from God. Even when times were tough, they kept tithing, and God never let them down.

She emphasizes that being all in with Jesus means giving every area of her life, including her finances, to Him. She encourages everyone to consider their giving intentionally and prayerfully, asking if they truly trust God to provide.

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