Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

August 11, 2024 | "From Doubts to Doorways: Jesus, Cosmology and Creation” | David Wilkinson

9:30 AM Service


In the enlightening sermon, “Jesus, Cosmology, and Creation,” delivered by Dr. David Wilkinson at New Hope, we explore the profound connections between science and faith, anchored firmly in our mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ. Dr. Wilkinson, with his unique background in both astrophysics and theology, guides us through the intersection of scientific discovery and spiritual faith, demonstrating that the vastness of the universe magnifies, rather than contradicts, the creative power and purpose of Christ.

He articulates that Christ is not only supreme in revealing God’s nature but also in the orchestration of all creation and its ongoing sustenance, aligning with our value of being Rooted in God’s Word. This sermon encourages us to see Jesus as the ultimate answer to the big questions of purpose, existence, and moral guidance, affirming our belief that true understanding comes from embracing both faith and rational inquiry.

Dr. Wilkinson challenges us to consider how Jesus’ supremacy in all things calls us to reflect on our personal commitment to living out our faith in a complex world. This reflection is vital as we strive to Reach the World for Jesus Christ, promoting a message of reconciliation and love that transcends scientific and cultural boundaries.

Call to Action: Engage with this message further by joining our discussion groups that explore science and faith, helping to fortify our commitment to living and sharing a faith that embraces all aspects of truth. Discover more about how you can contribute to this dialogue and uphold our values by visiting our message archive.

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

Q&A Session

After the service, David Wilkinson spent time answering questions. Unfortunately, due to a technical problem, the Q&A video is incomplete, but you can watch most of it below.

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