Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

September 1, 2024 | "From Doubts to Doorways: Faith and Suffering” | Rev. Roberto Chaple

Explore how life’s storms can deepen your faith in “Faith and Suffering,” a sermon by Pastor Roberto Chaple from the “From Doubts to Doorways” series, emphasizing growth through challenges.

9:30 AM Service


Pastor Roberto Chaple’s sermon “Faith and Suffering” delves into how storms in life can deepen our faith. Using metaphors like sailing and storms, he explains that we can’t always avoid life’s challenges, but we can harness them to strengthen our relationship with God. He discusses different types of storms that challenge faith, such as science, unanswered prayers, and difficult questions about exclusivity in salvation. Through biblical references and personal stories, he encourages taking responsibility for our actions, moving forward from past sufferings, and seeing trials as opportunities to grow closer to God. The sermon concludes with a powerful call to live out our faith, even when it leads to personal sacrifice, embracing the promise of resurrection and hope beyond our trials.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

August 25, 2024 | "From Doubts to Doorways: Faith and Hard Questions” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

In the “From Doubts to Doorways” series, Pastor Vicki Harrison tackles the challenging question: Is Jesus the only way to salvation? Drawing from John 14:1-6 and other scriptural references, Pastor Harrison emphasizes Jesus’ exclusive claim as the only way to the Father, highlighting the consistency of this message across the New Testament. She addresses common doubts and questions about the fairness and inclusivity of this claim, reinforcing that Jesus’ sacrificial death underlines its truth. The sermon calls for reflection on our personal beliefs and challenges us to align our actions with the conviction that Jesus is indeed the only path to eternal life, urging outreach and evangelism as natural responses to this belief. Learn more about our mission.

9:30 AM Service


In our latest sermon from the “From Doubts to Doorways” series, Pastor Vicki Harrison courageously addresses one of the most challenging questions for any Christian: Is Jesus truly the only way to salvation? Through a thoughtful exploration of biblical texts, particularly John 14:1-6, Pastor Harrison affirms the scriptural claim of Jesus’ exclusivity in offering salvation.

The sermon not only delves into the theological implications of this belief but also encourages personal reflection on how this truth shapes our interactions and missions as Christians. As we consider our own beliefs, we are urged to live out this truth actively, reaching out to those who have not yet heard the message of Jesus.

The discussion is not just theological but deeply practical, urging us to transform our understanding into action. If we accept that Jesus is the only way to eternal life, our lives should reflect a commitment to sharing this vital truth with others. This sermon is a call to both conviction and action, to embrace the sometimes uncomfortable truth of our faith and to act upon it in our daily lives, ensuring that everyone hears the hope of the gospel.

Let us be inspired by Pastor Harrison’s words to renew our dedication to living out our faith in a way that brings others into the loving embrace of Jesus Christ.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

August 18, 2024 | "From Doubts to Doorways: Faith and Unanswered Prayer” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

9:30 AM Service


In the sermon “Faith and Unanswered Prayer” from the series “From Doubts to Doorways,” Pastor Vicki Harrison tackles the challenging topic of unanswered prayers, a common stumbling block in Christian faith. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical instances like those of Apostle Paul and King David, Pastor Harrison explores the complexities of God’s silence in response to our prayers. She emphasizes that while it’s easy to celebrate answered prayers, understanding God’s silence requires deep faith and trust in His plan. She reassures us that God is always present, even in silence, and that our unanswered prayers may lead to spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with God. Pastor Harrison encourages the congregation to view prayer not as a transaction but as an ongoing conversation with God, meant to sustain and mold us according to His will.

Call to Action: Reflect on the times you’ve felt your prayers were unanswered. Engage in a prayerful conversation with God about these moments, seeking understanding and peace in His presence. Let these experiences deepen your trust in God’s perfect plan for your life, affirming His promise that He is always with us.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

August 11, 2024 | "From Doubts to Doorways: Jesus, Cosmology and Creation” | David Wilkinson

9:30 AM Service


In the enlightening sermon, “Jesus, Cosmology, and Creation,” delivered by Dr. David Wilkinson at New Hope, we explore the profound connections between science and faith, anchored firmly in our mission to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ. Dr. Wilkinson, with his unique background in both astrophysics and theology, guides us through the intersection of scientific discovery and spiritual faith, demonstrating that the vastness of the universe magnifies, rather than contradicts, the creative power and purpose of Christ.

He articulates that Christ is not only supreme in revealing God’s nature but also in the orchestration of all creation and its ongoing sustenance, aligning with our value of being Rooted in God’s Word. This sermon encourages us to see Jesus as the ultimate answer to the big questions of purpose, existence, and moral guidance, affirming our belief that true understanding comes from embracing both faith and rational inquiry.

Dr. Wilkinson challenges us to consider how Jesus’ supremacy in all things calls us to reflect on our personal commitment to living out our faith in a complex world. This reflection is vital as we strive to Reach the World for Jesus Christ, promoting a message of reconciliation and love that transcends scientific and cultural boundaries.

Call to Action: Engage with this message further by joining our discussion groups that explore science and faith, helping to fortify our commitment to living and sharing a faith that embraces all aspects of truth. Discover more about how you can contribute to this dialogue and uphold our values by visiting our message archive.

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Q&A Session

After the service, David Wilkinson spent time answering questions. Unfortunately, due to a technical problem, the Q&A video is incomplete, but you can watch most of it below.

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