Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

March 23, 2025 | "Christianity Explored: Jesus’ Identity:  Who is This Man?” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

In a storm-tossed boat, the disciples cry out, “Who is this man?” As Jesus calms the wind and waves, we’re left asking the same question. Explore the identity and authority of Jesus as revealed in the first chapters of Mark—and discover why it changes everything.

In week 2 of Christianity Explored, Rev. Vicki Harrison walks us through a foundational question of our faith: Who is Jesus? Drawing from Mark 4:35–41, we explore Jesus’ power over nature—and reflect on the deeper identity revealed through His miracles, teachings, and authority.

Mark doesn’t just tell us stories; he presents evidence. Jesus heals the sick, casts out demons, forgives sins, teaches with authority, calms storms, and raises the dead. These aren’t just acts of compassion—they are signs of His divine identity.

And when the disciples ask, “Who is this man?”—Mark invites us to answer that question for ourselves.

As you consider the message, take time to sit with these questions. You may want to journal your answers, talk about them with a trusted friend or group, or simply bring them to God in prayer:

1. What storms are you currently facing?

In what ways do you need to be reminded that Jesus is in the boat with you?

2. Have you ever asked, “Jesus, don’t you care?”

How did He respond—or how might He be responding now?

3. Which part of Jesus’ authority—over nature, illness, evil, death, or sin—do you find most comforting? Most challenging to believe?

4. Mark gives us a clear picture of who Jesus is. What do you believe about Him right now?

Be honest—are there areas of doubt, questions, or places where you long for more clarity?

5. What would it look like to give Jesus full authority over your life?

Are there any areas where you’re still holding on to control?

6. When you reflect on your life, how has Jesus already proven His presence, power, or love?

How might those memories strengthen your trust today?

7. What would it mean for you to rest in the boat—while the storm still rages—because Jesus is with you?

Can you pray for that kind of peace?

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

March 16, 2025 | "Christianity Explored: Good News: What Are We Doing Here?” | Rev. Vicki Harrison

What happens when God says "No" to our plans? In Acts 16, Paul learns a crucial lesson: working for God's Kingdom is not just about effort—it’s about following God's vision. Discover how embracing God's direction leads to multiplication, revival, and a faith that grows in ways we never imagined.

9:30 AM Service

In Acts 16, Paul and his companions experience something unexpected—God tells them no. Twice, they try to enter different regions to preach the Gospel, but the Holy Spirit stops them. It’s only on the third attempt that Paul receives a vision, calling him to Macedonia. Why? Because God's mission isn't just about working harder—it's about working smarter by following His vision.

This sermon challenges us to examine our own plans vs. God’s vision. Have we been pushing forward in places where God has closed doors? Are we investing in fruitless ministries instead of multiplication-focused discipleship? Just as God led Paul to Macedonia to find Lydia, the jailer, and others who became key multipliers, He calls us to invest in people and places where His work will bear the most fruit.

The question is: Are we listening?

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

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Other Sermons from Pastor Vicki

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