"#KingdomLife: The Prodigal Son" | Pastor Roberto Chaple | June 19, 2022

9:00 Traditional Service

1. Why did God choose to call Himself Father?
Being a father (figure) is a ministry, a calling from God.
A father doesn’t take lost for an answer.
2. Is the son from the parable the only prodigal and is money the only thing we spend?
Somehow we are all prodigals.
Somehow we have spent things way more valuable than money.
3. Is there a road map back to the Father?
Jesus is the way to the Father. He was for the prodigals, Zacchaeus and Paul.
— Pastor Roberto

11:00 am Praise Service

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More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Roberto Chaple


"#KingdomLife: The Talents" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | June 26, 2022


"#KingdomLife: The Sower" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | June 12, 2022