Hope for Her is a safe place where women experiencing crisis and trauma find the strength, skills and support they need to rebuild their best lives.

Every day, women facing homelessness, hunger, job loss, domestic violence and other serious life issues seek assistance from Hope for Her — 80% of whom are single moms. They and their children often have nowhere else to turn. You can be the reason women and children experiencing unimaginable life circumstances in our area find the hope and help they need to rebuild their lives.

Pantry Items Needed are:

Maseca Flour (small bag)
Pancake Mix
Peanut Butter
Pop Tarts
Ramen Noodles
Vegetable Oil

Baking Soda
Baking Mixes
Boxed Mac and Cheese
Boxed Spaghetti
Canned Chicken
Canned Fruit
Canned Pasts
Canned Tuna
Dry Beans
Evaporated Milk/Powdered Milk


Donations can be dropped off:
Monday - Thursday 9am - 4pm at the church office
Sunday morning during worship services
March 27, 2021 7pm - 9pm during Family Movie Night on the Lawn

Monetary donations are also appreciated and be made online