Deuteronomy 23

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Deuteronomy 23:1-3, No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the Lord. No one born of a forbidden marriage[b] nor any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, not even in the tenth generation. No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, not even in the tenth generation.

This chapter speaks to how only men who were both physically and ethnically pure could enter the assembly of the Lord.  The assembly here refers to the public gathering of God's people for worship.  They were not excluded from community life but from the official times of worship.  Again, there is this emphasis on holiness and separation from anything impure.

As I read this chapter, I was reminded of Philip's interaction with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8. The eunuch had come from Jerusalem and was on his way back home.  While the Ethiopian man had been to the temple, he could not go in the temple.  Because he had been castrated (most likely to work in the queen's court), he was not physically pure (as today's Scripture commands).  Furthermore, his nationality may have also worked against him.  He was a God-fearer and wanted to offer some kind of worship to the Lord but he could not "enter the assembly." The Holy Spirit leads Philip to the Ethiopian man and finds him reading aloud from the prophet Isaiah.  Philip explains to him how the passage he's reading from Isaiah 53 is messianic prophecy, pointing to Jesus.  Philip shares the Good News of Jesus with the Ethiopian eunuch and the man believes and is baptized. 

There is a lot I love about this passage but one part I love is how the Ethiopian man, unable to fully worship God under the old covenant, can now be fully included and embraced under the new covenant.  Because of Jesus, all people, no matter their physical deformities, lack of Jewish pedigree, or messy history, are welcomed into God's Kingdom.  What was exclusive is now wide open to whoever seeks Jesus Christ.  That’s Good News!

Let’s pray…Lord Jesus, We give you praise and thanks.  All people who believe in you can now go bolder before your throne of grace.  There are no barriers or restrictions.  Your love is huge and expansive.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  In Your Name, Amen.


Deuteronomy 24


Deuteronomy 22