Re-Entry Update July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020 Update
Update as of July 28, 2020
Phase Three
Beginning August 2, 2020 we will enter Phase Three. During this time we ask our vulnerable population to continue to use extreme caution and recommend that they continue online worship. We will continue to have no congregational signing, cleaning between services, ushers will be directing attenders to their seat and releasing after the end of services.
We will return to in-person worship for those that feel comfortable returning to campus adhering to social distancing standards while limiting seating to 100 people in each service. Attenders will be asked to RSVP each week until further notice. All attenders will be required to wear face coverings or masks.
Our online campus will continue to provide an engaging and interactive experience with worship, small groups and volunteer opportunities.
Connect groups will be permitted to meet on campus as long as the meeting space allows for social distancing. We will encourage hybrid small groups to allow those who will not return to campus to continue to meet with their groups. Groups will need to request to meet on campus and meeting space will be determined at that time. All groups will adhere to moderate social distancing standards.
All Family Ministries (NHKids, PSM and YAM) will remain online through this phase.
Our campus locations will open to limited outside rentals and events with limited staff on site throughout the week. Church office operations will resume normal operations Monday - Thursday.