Church Wide, Food Co-Op Mandy New Church Wide, Food Co-Op Mandy New

Click Here to Register for March 16, 2021

Food Co-Op Proof 2 Square.jpg

The Food Co-Op will meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:30am in the New Hope Life Center. One food unit will consist of a hefty amount of produce and a dozen eggs. This is a great opportunity for our community to come together around food and faith.

Cost is $5/unit, each family can have up to 2 units.

*Orders must be submitted by 11pm the Sunday prior to the Food Co-Op date.

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Passion Student Ministry Mandy New Passion Student Ministry Mandy New

2021 UMW Female Youth Scholarship

Application window is now open for the 2021 UMW $1000 scholarship.

Members of United Methodist Women of New Hope are proud to announce the application period for the 2021 Academic Scholarship. The scholarship is $1,000 to support a female New Hope church member who is a graduating senior and has been accepted and will enter as a full-time student at an accredited higher education school.

Deadline to apply is April 16, 2021

UMW Logo.jpg
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Trike-A-Thon at New Hope Early Learning

Support New Hope Early Learning students for years to come!

New Hope Early Learning is excited to announce our annual Trike-A-Thon will be held on February 25, 2021.

New Hope Early Learning Trike-A-Thon

In previous years, this fundraiser has provided funds to purchase playground equipment and fencing, child-sized furniture, supplies for the school and so much more! Your generosity and support allows us to provide much needed supplies to provide the best learning environment for our current and future students.

Donations are tax-deductible.

Learn more about New Hope Early Learning HERE

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Church Wide, Worship Mandy New Church Wide, Worship Mandy New

Calling ALL Musicians

Would you like to be part of the New Hope Music Ministry?

The Music Ministry at New Hope, would like to extend an invitation, to those who might be interested in Volunteering in our Ministry through Music, in some capacity. 

New Hope Music MInistry

We currently hope to restart our Worship Leading Choir, at the 9am service, and that opportunity is open to anyone, at any level, who wishes to Sing Praises to Our Great God, from a Heart of Joy !    There are no auditions for that Choir, just a willingness to serve, and sing Praises of Gratitude and Thanks, during our 9am service on Sunday mornings. 

Rehearsals for that group are Wednesday nights at 7 – 8pm.  Other more skilled opportunities are also available for singers and musicians who read music, and have had some experience, and are of a certain skill level.  I would be happy to talk to anyone interested in serving by using their gifts and talents on any level.

Right now, we have a current need for Bass guitar players. You do need to read music at some level, but I’m always willing to work with you, help teach you, and allow you to progress in ability as time goes by.

Currently, we like to have our Team folks serve every other week, if possible.  

Please feel free to contact me via email , text or call on 813-843-4314, and I’ll be happy to talk details with anyone who is interested. This invitation includes singers, guitarists, keyboardists, drummers, brass or woodwind players, or strings.    

I always look forward to speaking with anyone interested in serving in any capacity, in Music Ministry.  Thank you !   

Sincerely, Jeff Brant
Dir. Of Music Ministries


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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Season of Prayer - 24/7 Prayer Opportunity

Join us as we start a season of prayer at New Hope.

Season of Prayer at New Hope

Dear New Hope Friends,

We are beginning a new season of prayer at New Hope! This past year has been difficult – we have been isolated from one another, church connection has been hard, and mission and ministry has been complicated to say the least. Regardless, we know that God is calling us to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to more people in our community and beyond. With all the challenges we currently face, it seems now is the most critical time to tell others about the love and hope that only comes from Jesus Christ. But how do we do this in the middle of a global pandemic? I may not have answers, but I know the one who does!

Thus, we pray. Starting Ash Wednesday (Feb. 17), we will embark on a 24/7 Prayer Room at New Hope. This means we will have individuals praying for the mission and ministry of New Hope 24 hours a day, for 7 days in a row. We will be asking God for direction and wisdom. In fact, our main question for this prayer week is, “What’s next, God?”

We need your help! A 24/7 Prayer Room means we have 168 slots to fill. To sign-up, go to OR contact AmyJo Rodriguez at 813-909-6865 or via email.. The daytime prayer slots will mainly be in the New Hope Sanctuary and the nighttime slots are in your home.

We are so excited about what God is going to do in and through the people of New Hope!

Pastor Vicki

P.S. If you have any specific needs or questions for me, don't hesitate to reach out to me at any time via email..

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Food Co-Op Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Food Co-Op Registration is open until 11pm the Sunday before.

The Food Co-Op will meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:30am in the New Hope Life Center. One food unit will consist of a hefty amount of produce and a dozen eggs. This is a great opportunity for our community to come together around food and faith.

Cost is $5/unit, each family can have up to 2 units.

*Orders must be submitted by 11pm the Sunday prior to the Food Co-Op date.

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Passion Student Ministry Mandy New Passion Student Ministry Mandy New

PSM January Shindig


PSM's January 2021 Shindig is the place to be!

Grab a friend or two and join Passion Student Ministry in The Garage

January 30, 2021 - 7:00pm

Bring your wits and your courage!

Masks will be required at all times, and social distancing will be enforced. Temperatures will be taken at the door, and hand sanitizer will be provided frequently throughout the evening.

For more information contact Chris Temple via email or Emmy Roberts via email for more information.

PSM Shindig - Solve the Mystery
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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Click Here to Register for February 2, 2021

Food Co-Op Proof 2 Square.jpg

The Food Co-Op will meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:30am in the New Hope Life Center. One food unit will consist of a hefty amount of produce and a dozen eggs. This is a great opportunity for our community to come together around food and faith.

Cost is $5/unit, each family can have up to 2 units.

*Orders must be submitted by 11pm the Sunday prior to the Food Co-Op date.

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Friday Courtyard Concert

FREE EVENT! February 12, 2021 at 6pm.

Courtyard Concert at New Hope with Swipe Right

We are excited to host a Courtyard Concert with local band Swipe Right featuring our Assistant Music Director Zach Alexander.

This is a great opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors to a socially distanced evening of great music.

Friday, February 12 6pm


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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Click Here to Register for February 16, 2021

Food Co-Op Proof 2 Square.jpg

The Food Co-Op will meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:30am in the New Hope Life Center. One food unit will consist of a hefty amount of produce and a dozen eggs. This is a great opportunity for our community to come together around food and faith.

Cost is $5/unit, each family can have up to 2 units.

*Orders must be submitted by 11pm the Sunday prior to the Food Co-Op date.

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Church Wide, Nueva Esperanza New Hope Church Wide, Nueva Esperanza New Hope

COVID-19 Actualizar

New Hope se compromete a mantenerlos a usted y a su familia seguros mientras se encuentran en el campus.

Durante los últimos nueve meses, hemos visto la obra de Dios en todas las áreas del ministerio, incluidas nuestras oportunidades de adoración en persona y en línea. El personal y el liderazgo de New Hope quieren que sepa que nuestra prioridad número uno durante este tiempo es su seguridad. Hemos sido diligentes en brindar a nuestros asistentes de adoración en persona adultos, niños y jóvenes un ambiente seguro y limpio durante toda la temporada de COVID-19. Continuamos: 

  • Desinfectando todas las áreas comunes antes y después de los servicios.

  • Exigiendo que todos los asistentes mayores de siete (7) años usen una máscara mientras estén en el campus.

  • Adhiriéndonos a las pautas de distanciamiento social.

  • Proporcionando un espacio de adoración adicional para cada servicio.

  • Recomendando encarecidamente ser cuidadosos en el canto congregacional.

New Hope también se compromete a proporcionar una experiencia de adoración en línea atractiva y llena del Espíritu para permitir a nuestra familia de la iglesia la oportunidad de mantenerse conectada cada semana. Para aquellos que aún no se sienten cómodos regresando al campus, esperamos que se unan a nosotros en línea cada semana y se conecten con otros a través de nuestros servicios interactivos.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros por correo electrónico o al (813) 689-4161.

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

COVID-19 Update for January 2021

New Hope is committed to keeping you and your family safe while on campus.

Over the past nine months we have seen God’s work through all areas of ministry including our in-person and online worship opportunities. New Hope Staff and Leadership want you to know our number one priority during this time is your safety. We have been diligent in providing our in-person adult, children, and youth worship attenders a safe and clean environment throughout the COVID-19 season. We are continuing to:

  • Sanitize all common areas before and after services

  • Require all attenders over the age of seven (7) to wear a mask while on campus

  • Adhere to social distancing guidelines

  • Provide overflow worship space for each service

  • Highly recommend that we continue with no congregational singing

New Hope is also committed to provide an engaging and Spirit-filled online worship experience to allow our church family the opportunity to stay connected each week without venturing out to our campus locations. For those who do not yet feel comfortable returning to campus we hope that you will join us online each week and connect with others through our moderation and interactive services.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us via email or at (813) 689-4161.

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Click Here to Register for January 19, 2021

Food Co-Op Proof 2 Square.jpg

The Food Co-Op will meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:30am in the New Hope Life Center. One food unit will consist of a hefty amount of produce and a dozen eggs. This is a great opportunity for our community to come together around food and faith.

Cost is $5/unit, each family can have up to 2 units.

*Orders must be submitted by 11pm the Sunday prior to the Food Co-Op date.

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Food Co-Op Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Food Co-Op Registration is open until 11pm the Sunday before.

The Food Co-Op will meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:30am in the New Hope Life Center. One food unit will consist of a hefty amount of produce and a dozen eggs. This is a great opportunity for our community to come together around food and faith.

Cost is $5/unit, each family can have up to 2 units.

*Orders must be submitted by 11pm the Sunday prior to the Food Co-Op date.

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Church Wide, Worship Mandy New Church Wide, Worship Mandy New

New Message Series Starts January 10, 2021

Incarnation? Salvation? Life change? Belonging? Lordship?

Back to Basics at New Hope

Incarnation? Salvation? Life change? Belonging? Lordship? Be sure to join us, in-person or online, Sunday mornings starting on January 10 as we take you on a not so complicated journey through the Book of John and get "Back to Basics" with our faith.

#findnewhopefl #backtobasics

Do you have questions about your faith journey? Looking for a place to take the next step? E-mail us or give us a call at (813) 689-4161.

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Join Our Family

We want you to be part of our family! Join us THIS SUNDAY to learn more.

Join Our Family January

We want you to be part of our family!  Come learn more about what it means to be part of New Hope, our mission and ministry emphasis, who we are as a body of believers, and how you will be able to grow and serve.  We have traditionally talked about church membership, but we want to talk about partnership - we partner with God as we grow in our faith and serve God's Kingdom here at New Hope.  Can't wait to see you online via Zoom on January 17, 2021 at 3:30pm.

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