Passion Student Ministry IS BACK!

PSM is BACK THIS SUNDAY, August 16, 2020

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Starting August 16, 2020 Passion Students will begin in-person, socially distanced, worship and small group time. Students in 7th through 12th grade will come together from 9:30am - 10:30am Sunday mornings for small group and community time. Sunday night we're back together in the Garage for our PSM Worship service.

Our 7th grade students are encouraged to register for Passage our 30-week confirmation program where they continue to develop a strong spiritual foundation for years to come.

Grab your friends and join us as we bring youth in our community together to passionately love GOD, unconditionally love PEOPLE and to reach out enthusiastically to change our WORLD.

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Keeping You Safe On Campus

How we’re keeping our church family safe at each of our campus locations.

As we return to in-person worship throughout the week across both the Main Campus and our Dover Campus we have implemented a number of procedures to keep everyone safe while gathered. Some of these procedures include:

  • Sanitizing spaces between services. This includes the restrooms, sanctuary and common areas

  • Face Masks are REQUIRED for all attenders including staff and volunteers

  • Entrance and Exits are clearly marked and defined within our sanctuary

  • Our Usher Team will be seating those who attend in-person and also dismissing attenders at the end of service to meet social distancing guidelines

  • No congregational singing. We know this is hard but encourage those who attend to clap and raise their hands as they feel led.

  • Campus has gone paperless - we are now offering our Digital Connect Card for those joining us online and in person

We look forward to seeing you soon!

New Hope

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LIVE Q&A On-Demand Replay

Watch our Q&A replay anytime!

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Did you miss our LIVE Q&A this week? No problem! Watch below anytime! We covered a lot of different items including in-person worship, when our children’s and youth ministries are starting to meet again, New Hope Early Leaning and so much more! Check it out below!

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Weekend Worship at New Hope

In-person and online worship this weekend at New Hope.

August 7, 2020 Update

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We are excited for both our online and in-person worship happening this weekend at New Hope. While we will continue to provide an engaging and interactive online experience we have also implemented the following standards to keep our church family safe while on campus.

  • Sanitizing spaces between services. This includes the restrooms, sanctuary and common areas

  • Face Masks are REQUIRED for all attenders including staff and volunteers

  • Entrance and Exits are clearly marked and defined within our sanctuary

  • Our Usher Team will be seating those who attend in-person and also dismissing attenders at the end of service to meet social distancing guidelines

  • No congregational signing. We know this is hard but encourage those who attend to clap and raise their hands as they feel led.

  • Campus has gone paperless - we are now offering our Digital Connect Card for those joining us online and in person

If you have not RSVP’ed to our service in-person and are planning to join us please take a moment to register below. Don’t worry we won’t turn you away at the door if you don’t RSVP it just allows us to know who is coming so that we can plan ahead for any over-flow needs.

We can’t wait to worship with you, online or in—person, at 9:00am, 10:45am and 11:00am (Spanish Speaking) on Sunday! We will see you there!

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Join us Thursday for our LIVE Q&A.

Our Staff Q&A is BACK! Join us this Thursday at 6pm LIVE on Facebook and at New Hope Online.

If you have a question for us let us know!!

CLICK HERE to submit your questions.

Thursday, August 5, 2020

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Lasagna for McLane Middle School Staff

Help support local teachers at McLane Middle School

Each year New Hope provides lasagna for the teachers and staff at McLane Middle School which is right down the road from our main campus. This year we are unable to provide home-made lasagna and are asking for monetary donations to purchase pre-packaged lasagna! Donations can be made online at HERE or dropped off at the church office during normal business hours.

Questions? Contact us via email or at the church office (813_ 689-4161.

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New Hope Kids New Hope New Hope Kids New Hope

New Hope Kids ROCKS!

Drive-thru opportunity for families with students through 6th grade.

We aren't able to host camps, but we are able to have popsicles and snow cones!!

Monday, August 3 2020
9:30am - 10:30am and 6pm - 7pm.

Swing by sanctuary to pick up your rock kit or grab the family and join us outside (socially distanced) to paint your rocks on campus!

Tell your friends - we would love to meet them and say hello!!

Questions? Contact Shelly Wilson via email or at (813) 689-4161 TODAY!

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Support New Hope Early Learning

We need your help! August Mission Emphasis supports New Hope Early Learning.

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New Hope Early Learning is preparing to open their doors for the 2020/2021 school year this August.   Like most of the preschools in our area, New Hope Early Learning is in a season of lower than normal registration which in turn means less funds available for necessary supplies for our teachers and students.  New guidelines prohibiting students to share items like pencils, markers and scissors has also increased the need for additional on-hand supplies. 

We have a number of ways in which you can help support NHEL during this season of ministry

Amazon Wish List – Shop online at Amazon and have items delivered directly to New Hope.  Visit our NHEL Shopping List HERE.

Pick-Up Supplies While Shopping – Donation of supplies can be dropped off at the church office during normal business hours. 

Monetary Donation – Donations can be made ONLINE or by dropping off a check at the church office.  Please list NHEL on the memo line of any checks.  

Thank you for your support – New Hope Early Learning has been serving the Brandon community for over 50 years and we look forward to many more!

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Passion Student Ministry Mandy New Passion Student Ministry Mandy New

2020/2021 Passage Orientation

Virtual Passage Orientation and Registration

Did you miss our Passage Orientation? No worries! We are excited to offer a virtual replay of this year’s meeting. Download our 2020/2021 Registration Packet below.


If you have any questions please reach out to Chris Temple using the form below, via e-mail or at (813) 689-4161 any time!

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Weekly Prayer and Reflection Opportunities

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Each week our sanctuary will be open to provide our community, attenders, staff and guests the opportunity to spend time with God.

Monday 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Thursday 9:00am - 1:00pm

*Additional evening dates coming soon.

If you have any questions or would like more information let us know!

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Lasagna for McLane Middle School Staff

Help support local teachers at McLane Middle School

Each year New Hope provides lasagna for the teachers and staff at McLane Middle School which is right down the road from our main campus. This year we are unable to provide home-made lasagna and are asking for monetary donations to purchase pre-packaged lasagna! Donations can be made online at HERE or dropped off at the church office during normal business hours.

Questions? Contact us via email or at the church office (813_ 689-4161.

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New Hope Kids New Hope New Hope Kids New Hope

New Hope Kids Resources (English & Spanish) (Copy)

July 18, 2020 Resources for New Hope Kids.

*** Please take a moment to complete this Survey as we strive to continually improve New Hope Kids Ministries.  Just Click Here for the Survey ***

July 18, 2020

Hey New Hope Families!

Everything you need to have worship at home this weekend will be available on our website each Saturday.  If you want to watch now, just click the link in this email for the age level you want to watch!

Things are a bit different as we will be continuing to improve our On-Line Kids experiences over the next few weeks with more interaction with our Ministry Leaders in each area of Kids Ministry. In the near future we will be sending information for you to sign up directly for notification when the resources become available on our website.  We will phase things in a step at a time. 

Virtual Resources for New Hope Families:

Imagine & Wonder Kids (Toddlers - Kindergarten) and their families CLICK HERE for your Virtual Worship Experience. 

Discover Kids (1st-4th Graders) and their families CLICK HERE for your Virtual Worship Experience.

Club 56 Kids and their Families (Preteens) CLICK HERE for your Virtual Worship Experience. 

Niños de Descubren (1o - 4o Grado)  haga clic aquî para la adoración virtual (Spanish Speaking 1st-4th Grades)

Club 56 (5o y 6o Grado)  haga clic aquî para la adoración virtual (Spanish Speaking 5th and 6th Grades)

ZOOM Meet-Ups:

Discover Kids - WEDNESDAYS at 5:30 PM.  We will send a Zoom meeting invite directly to the parent emails for each child.  All you need to do is connect on Wednesday at 5:25 PM and tell the kids to be ready for the fun!  We will continue to post daily lessons and prayers from Mrs. Lisa and the Discover Kids crew.  If you need to reach Lisa you can email her at

CLUB 56 -  Thursdays at 4:00 PM.  Mrs. Susanne will send the information you need for the zoom meeting next week and if you have any questions contact Susanne at

Spanish Speaking Kids Ministries are zooming on Monday's at 6:30 PM and Wednesday at 7:30 PM.  You can contact Carina via email at for zoom information!

Carina, Eric and Pastorcito Eric are doing daily 3 minutos de Fe (3 Minutes of Faith) on Facebook fIn English and Spanish!

Parent Cue and God Time Cards are attached to this email for each age group in English and Spanish.  These resources are for use WITH the other online resources and videos to help each of you connect and grow this week. 

Can't wait to see you again!

Shelly Wilson
Family Ministry



This message is from New Hope United Methodist Church. New Hope United Methodist Church treats your personal information with the utmost care. To report abuse related to this email, please contact our office at (813) 689-4161.

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New Hope Early Learning New Hope New Hope Early Learning New Hope

New Hope Early Learning Registration is OPEN

Are you looking for an early education opportunity for your little ones? Check out New Hope Early Learning.

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We are excited to announce that registration is OPEN for all programs for the 2020/2021 school year.

We are now offering a Lunch Bunch option for students three years old through kindergarten.

Visit New Hope Early Learning below to view our free schedule, program information and more!

If you are interested in taking a tour of our facility please CLICK HERE and let us know!

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Immediate SERVE Opportunities

Immediate SERVE Opportunities available across campus.

July 9, 2020

Are you looking for a place to SERVE on campus or from home?  


We have immediate needs across all of our ministry areas. 

Open positions include:

New Hope Kids
Safety Team
Front Desk/Receptionist
Tech Arts
Online Host/Moderator (Communication)

Click the button below for more information and to let us know where YOU can plug in.

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Passion Student Ministry New Hope Passion Student Ministry New Hope

May 20, 2020 Passion Student Ministry Vlog Update

VLOG Update for May 20, 2020 from Chris Temple

Look for a daily 5 minute devotional/check-in on my youtube channel. This will be a link that I will text out as well as email out to students and parents. Also, it will be found on the Facebook PSM page.

What can you do as a PSM parent? Take the incentive that these daily videos and the Sunday message video will be available. Let it create questions and discussions. This is a time of anxiousness, isolation and concern (and not just for parents). We are in the thick of realization that all will be effected. In some way or another.

What can you do as a student? Keep tuned into the devotional and message videos. Also, keep checking in with your small group. Take the time (cuz ya' know ya' got some!) to say "hello" or "what's up?" Also, keep talking. If you are transparent about the current days and often hours that seem offsetting to the norm, it really does help. Everyone (including parents) will be going through it. I promise you will not be the only one feeling this way.

Know that this ministry will not stop. PSM's plan is to keep active the best possible way we can with what we have until we can do more. As the Director of Student Ministries, it is a priority to care for and keep together our youth in this time of crisis. I have great optimism that we will get through this season. God is with us!

Remember, the Church is looking at a week to week basis as far as what we can do. Let's pray that each week will be more encouraging than the last. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me. 

Please be smart, be safe and be of God.

In Faith,

E-Mail Me

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Passion Student Ministry New Hope Passion Student Ministry New Hope

Passion Student Ministry Update for Online Resources

Check out our resources for our PSM and Passage students while we’re worshipping online this week!

Dear Parents and Students,

As you are aware, worship services will not be held this Sunday due to the Corona Virus precaution. The Church plan is to have as little as possible on the campus, therefore complying with social distance specifications and recommendations. There will be a Church on-line service that may be viewed and worshiped with. All activities and events for the next two weeks have been postponed or cancelled. With this in mind, the Church is taking things one week at a time for rescheduling or further action.

So what are we to do with Passion Student Ministry?

Like the Church, we will be resilient in any way that we can.

First off,

On March 17 start looking for a daily 5 minute devotional/check-in on my youtube channel. This will be a link that I will text out as well as email out to students and parents. Also, it will be found on the Facebook PSM page.

On Sunday, expect a video message for our youth. This will also be sent and broadcasted the same way. It will be ready on Sunday morning.

If you are involved with Passion Parents Connect Group, this may help you as well for a parental cue for discussion.

As far as Passage is concerned, we will cancel this Sunday's class. We will also postpone our last Gathering on March 28th.

Considering the week to week approach we are taking, we may consider doing a video class for the following week to be sent out via Youtube channel as well. I would like them to be on schedule with the remaining lessons. We will let you know by the end of the week. We will definitely reschedule our final Gathering if all goes well.

What can you do as a PSM parent? Take the incentive that these daily videos and the Sunday message video will be available. Let it create questions and discussions. This is a time of anxiousness, isolation and concern (and not just for parents). We are in the thick of realization that all will be effected. In some way or another.

What can you do as a student? Keep tuned into the devotional and message videos. Also, keep checking in with your small group. Take the time (cuz ya' know ya' got some!) to say "hello" or "what's up?" Also, keep talking. If you are transparent about the current days and often hours that seem offsetting to the norm, it really does help. Everyone (including parents) will be going through it. I promise you will not be the only one feeling this way.

Know that this ministry will not stop. PSM's plan is to keep active the best possible way we can with what we have until we can do more. As the Director of Student Ministries, it is a priority to care for and keep together our youth in this time of crisis. I have great optimism that we will get through this season. God is with us!

Remember, the Church is looking at a week to week basis as far as what we can do. Let's pray that each week will be more encouraging than the last. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me. 

Please be smart, be safe and be of God.

In Faith,


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