Church Wide, Nueva Esperanza New Hope Church Wide, Nueva Esperanza New Hope

COVID-19 Actualizar

New Hope se compromete a mantenerlos a usted y a su familia seguros mientras se encuentran en el campus.

Durante los últimos nueve meses, hemos visto la obra de Dios en todas las áreas del ministerio, incluidas nuestras oportunidades de adoración en persona y en línea. El personal y el liderazgo de New Hope quieren que sepa que nuestra prioridad número uno durante este tiempo es su seguridad. Hemos sido diligentes en brindar a nuestros asistentes de adoración en persona adultos, niños y jóvenes un ambiente seguro y limpio durante toda la temporada de COVID-19. Continuamos: 

  • Desinfectando todas las áreas comunes antes y después de los servicios.

  • Exigiendo que todos los asistentes mayores de siete (7) años usen una máscara mientras estén en el campus.

  • Adhiriéndonos a las pautas de distanciamiento social.

  • Proporcionando un espacio de adoración adicional para cada servicio.

  • Recomendando encarecidamente ser cuidadosos en el canto congregacional.

New Hope también se compromete a proporcionar una experiencia de adoración en línea atractiva y llena del Espíritu para permitir a nuestra familia de la iglesia la oportunidad de mantenerse conectada cada semana. Para aquellos que aún no se sienten cómodos regresando al campus, esperamos que se unan a nosotros en línea cada semana y se conecten con otros a través de nuestros servicios interactivos.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros por correo electrónico o al (813) 689-4161.

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In-Person Worship

How we’re keeping our New Hope family safe at each of our campus locations as we resume in-person worship.

Starting Sunday, August 23, 2020 we are no longer requesting that attenders RSVP to attend service. If you are ready to return to campus, either now or in the future, we are prepared and ready for your return.

We have implemented a number of procedures to keep everyone safe while gathered. Some of these procedures include:

  • Sanitizing spaces between services. This includes the restrooms, sanctuary and common areas

  • Face Masks are REQUIRED for all attenders including staff and volunteers

  • Entrance and Exits are clearly marked and defined within our sanctuary

  • Our Usher Team will be seating those who attend in-person and also dismissing attenders at the end of service to meet social distancing guidelines

  • No congregational singing. We know this is hard but encourage those who attend to clap and raise their hands as they feel led.

  • Campus has gone paperless - we are now offering our Digital Connect Card for those joining us online and in person

Passion Student Ministry resumed in-person gathering on August 16, 2020. Youth are invited to The Garage at 9:30am Sunday mornings for small group and community time. We will now have our Sunday Night PSM Worship at 5pm every Sunday evening.

New Hope Kids will resume in-person meetings on September 13, 2020. We are asking that parents RSVP for their child/children so that we are aware of who will be attending. This also allows our staff and volunteers the opportunity to prepare classroom space appropriately. You can RSVP here.

We look forward to seeing you on campus when you are comfortable and ready to return.

New Hope

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

In-Person Worship - No RSVP Required

How we’re keeping our New Hope family safe at each of our campus locations as we resume in-person worship.

Starting Sunday, August 23, 2020 we are no longer requesting that attenders RSVP to attend service. If you are ready to return to campus, either now or in the future, we are prepared and ready for your return.

We have implemented a number of procedures to keep everyone safe while gathered. Some of these procedures include:

  • Sanitizing spaces between services. This includes the restrooms, sanctuary and common areas

  • Face Masks are REQUIRED for all attenders including staff and volunteers

  • Entrance and Exits are clearly marked and defined within our sanctuary

  • Our Usher Team will be seating those who attend in-person and also dismissing attenders at the end of service to meet social distancing guidelines

  • No congregational singing. We know this is hard but encourage those who attend to clap and raise their hands as they feel led.

  • Campus has gone paperless - we are now offering our Digital Connect Card for those joining us online and in person

Passion Student Ministry resumed in-person gathering on August 16, 2020. Youth are invited to The Garage at 9:30am Sunday mornings for small group and community time. We will now have our Sunday Night PSM Worship at 5pm every Sunday evening.

New Hope Kids will resume in-person meetings on September 13, 2020.

We look forward to seeing you on campus when you are comfortable and ready to return.

New Hope

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Keeping You Safe On Campus

How we’re keeping our church family safe at each of our campus locations.

As we return to in-person worship throughout the week across both the Main Campus and our Dover Campus we have implemented a number of procedures to keep everyone safe while gathered. Some of these procedures include:

  • Sanitizing spaces between services. This includes the restrooms, sanctuary and common areas

  • Face Masks are REQUIRED for all attenders including staff and volunteers

  • Entrance and Exits are clearly marked and defined within our sanctuary

  • Our Usher Team will be seating those who attend in-person and also dismissing attenders at the end of service to meet social distancing guidelines

  • No congregational singing. We know this is hard but encourage those who attend to clap and raise their hands as they feel led.

  • Campus has gone paperless - we are now offering our Digital Connect Card for those joining us online and in person

We look forward to seeing you soon!

New Hope

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Church Wide New Hope Church Wide New Hope

Weekend Worship at New Hope

In-person and online worship this weekend at New Hope.

August 7, 2020 Update

Re-Entry Update July.png

We are excited for both our online and in-person worship happening this weekend at New Hope. While we will continue to provide an engaging and interactive online experience we have also implemented the following standards to keep our church family safe while on campus.

  • Sanitizing spaces between services. This includes the restrooms, sanctuary and common areas

  • Face Masks are REQUIRED for all attenders including staff and volunteers

  • Entrance and Exits are clearly marked and defined within our sanctuary

  • Our Usher Team will be seating those who attend in-person and also dismissing attenders at the end of service to meet social distancing guidelines

  • No congregational signing. We know this is hard but encourage those who attend to clap and raise their hands as they feel led.

  • Campus has gone paperless - we are now offering our Digital Connect Card for those joining us online and in person

If you have not RSVP’ed to our service in-person and are planning to join us please take a moment to register below. Don’t worry we won’t turn you away at the door if you don’t RSVP it just allows us to know who is coming so that we can plan ahead for any over-flow needs.

We can’t wait to worship with you, online or in—person, at 9:00am, 10:45am and 11:00am (Spanish Speaking) on Sunday! We will see you there!

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

Immediate SERVE Opportunities

Immediate SERVE Opportunities available across campus.

July 9, 2020

Are you looking for a place to SERVE on campus or from home?  


We have immediate needs across all of our ministry areas. 

Open positions include:

New Hope Kids
Safety Team
Front Desk/Receptionist
Tech Arts
Online Host/Moderator (Communication)

Click the button below for more information and to let us know where YOU can plug in.

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