Church Wide New Hope Church Wide New Hope

COVID-19 Update for June 25, 2021

Face Covering Requirements effective June 25, 2021

June 25, 2021

An important Face Covering Update from New Hope:

Indoor and outdoor mask wearing is optional for those fully vaccinated while masks are encouraged for unvaccinated or immune-compromised persons.

We care about the safety and well-being of every individual who is part of our extended church family. We trust that all who attend our worship services and other campus events will honor these guidelines with integrity and compassion.

For the time being, we will continue with other COVID-19 safety guidelines. These include social distancing for most gatherings, using electronic check-in before worship services, and extensive cleaning before and after events.

For those who still are not comfortable with in-person gatherings, our online campus will continue to stay dynamic and active.

Thank you for your patience as we have navigated the difficulties of the last year.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Vicki

Disponible en Español

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

COVID-19 Update for May 21, 2021

Face Covering Requirements effective May 21, 2021

May 21, 2021

An important update from Pastor Vicki Harrison:

Based on the new recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and the Florida Conference of the UMC, New Hope has revised its mask policy.

Indoor and outdoor mask wearing will now be optional for fully vaccinated people. Persons who have not been fully vaccinated or are unable to receive a vaccine are asked to continue to wear a mask and observe CDC recommended safety protocols.

We care about the safety and well-being of every individual who is part of our extended church family. We trust that all who attend our worship services and other campus events will honor these guidelines with integrity and compassion.

For the time being, we will continue with other COVID-19 safety guidelines. These include social distancing for most gatherings, using electronic check-in before worship services, and extensive cleaning before and after events.

For those who still are not comfortable with in-person gatherings, our online campus will continue to stay dynamic and active.

Thank you for your patience as we have navigated the difficulties of the last year.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Vicki

Disponible en Español

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Church Wide Mandy New Church Wide Mandy New

COVID-19 Update for May 15, 2021

Face Covering Update for May 15, 2021

Over the past several days both the CDC and the Florida Conference of the UMC updated their recommendations for vaccinated individuals wearing masks indoors. Considering these changes, New Hope will reevaluate our mask policy this coming week as well. The executive team will draft a proposal to be voted on by the leadership team very soon. Whatever changes are made will be widely communicated with all.
Pastor Vicki Harrison

Be sure you have completed our Communication Survey. Updates will be sent out via our weekly e-newsletter and social media channels.

We are continuing to:

  • Sanitize all common areas before and after services

  • Require all attenders over the age of seven (7) to wear a mask while on campus

  • Adhere to social distancing guidelines

  • Provide overflow worship space for each service

  • Highly recommend that we continue with no congregational singing

New Hope is also committed to provide an engaging and Spirit-filled online worship experience to allow our church family the opportunity to stay connected each week without venturing out to our campus locations. For those who do not yet feel comfortable returning to campus we hope that you will join us online each week and connect with others through our moderation and interactive services.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us via email or at (813) 689-4161.

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Church Wide, Nueva Esperanza New Hope Church Wide, Nueva Esperanza New Hope

COVID-19 Actualizar

New Hope se compromete a mantenerlos a usted y a su familia seguros mientras se encuentran en el campus.

Durante los últimos nueve meses, hemos visto la obra de Dios en todas las áreas del ministerio, incluidas nuestras oportunidades de adoración en persona y en línea. El personal y el liderazgo de New Hope quieren que sepa que nuestra prioridad número uno durante este tiempo es su seguridad. Hemos sido diligentes en brindar a nuestros asistentes de adoración en persona adultos, niños y jóvenes un ambiente seguro y limpio durante toda la temporada de COVID-19. Continuamos: 

  • Desinfectando todas las áreas comunes antes y después de los servicios.

  • Exigiendo que todos los asistentes mayores de siete (7) años usen una máscara mientras estén en el campus.

  • Adhiriéndonos a las pautas de distanciamiento social.

  • Proporcionando un espacio de adoración adicional para cada servicio.

  • Recomendando encarecidamente ser cuidadosos en el canto congregacional.

New Hope también se compromete a proporcionar una experiencia de adoración en línea atractiva y llena del Espíritu para permitir a nuestra familia de la iglesia la oportunidad de mantenerse conectada cada semana. Para aquellos que aún no se sienten cómodos regresando al campus, esperamos que se unan a nosotros en línea cada semana y se conecten con otros a través de nuestros servicios interactivos.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros por correo electrónico o al (813) 689-4161.

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