Baptism Celebration


Our Baptism Celebration will take place on June 5th as part of our 11am Blended Worship Experience.  We will have several pools in the courtyard and will be doing baptisms by immersion or pouring.  We invite all those who have never been baptized to literally take the plunge and become baptized.  We will have two on-campus info sessions about baptism on May 15 (10:15am) and May 22 (12:15pm) and one virtual session at 7pm on May 25. People of all ages who have never been baptized are strongly encouraged to attend.

In our Methodist tradition, we believe that baptism is a sacrament.  That means it is an outward and visible sign of an inward grace.  Baptism is an act of God, and when we are baptized, we experience the power of God’s grace in a mighty way and we are initiated into God’s mission and work in the world. 

It’s important to mention that in the Methodist church, we do not rebaptize.  We believe that God did it right the first time.  That being said, we do remember our baptisms.  For many of us who were baptized as infants or young children, remembering our baptism can be a very powerful experience.  If you would like to remember your baptism on June 5th, you are invited to do so. 


24/7 Prayer Vigil


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