Zoe Empowerment Group
While we aren’t able to travel, we are still able to immerse ourselves in the lives of our ZOE kids around the world. New Hope embarked on a Virtual Mission Trip with Zoe on November 1, 2020 and we were able to hear firsthand about the lives of our ZOE kids in Zimbabwe. Watch the whole experience below.
What is A Virtual Mission Trip
We will be (virtually) traveling to Zimbabwe to meet your Tinotenda “We Thank You” Empowerment Group from Dora, Zimbabwe. They are an empowerment group of 28 separate households for a total of 93 children. After New Hope Brandon decided to partner with Zoe Empowers, these children were able to join this life-changing and life-saving 3 year empowerment program. Your investment in March of 2019 has allowed these children to access an 8 input, comprehensive empowerment model which allows them to take the lead in their own journey out of extreme poverty. The We Thank You Group is currently 18 months into the 3 year program, so we can see what has changed in their lives so far.
What is Zoe?
ZOE is a distinctive and highly effective three-year empowerment program that helps orphans and vulnerable children in Africa and India lead their own journey from extreme poverty, isolation, and abuse to lives of sustainability and hope. ZOE goes into communities where these teenagers and children are already living and helps the children make extended family by combining sibling households into empowerment groups to create a new family that works together. They help the children articulate dreams for their lives and then provide training and strategic resources that they need to transform their lives in just three years.
New Hope’s Partnership
New Hope partners with a group of 28 orphan household and a total of 93 children in March 2019. There are many things you might consider praying for (hope, health, food security, good crops, safety, knowing that God is with them, growing in their spiritual walk) as this child helps his/her family rise out of extreme poverty.