Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Theme: Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Thought of the Week: If you think you can OR you think you can’t, you’re right!

Have you ever listened to a postgame interview after a team seemed to grasp victory from the jaws of defeat? After the reporter asks the obligatory, “How do you feel after leading the game-winning drive?” or “Can you take us through that final sequence?” the player(s) usually come back with something like

“We believed in ourselves and knew all we had to do was execute.”

That, my friends, is powerful!

The winning team (or person), especially at the higher levels, is usually the one that operates better on the six-inch playing field that exists between their ears, not the one covered with grass, hardwood, asphalt, or ice. They have trained their brains to have mental toughness. They reject negative, self-defeating, discouraging thinking.

Instead, they have belief and faith. Instead of focusing on what can’t be done, they focus on what is possible. Adversity and problems are replaced with solutions.

This is called transformative thinking! Romans 12:2 tells us we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Colossians 3 and Philippians 4 have some things to say about retraining our minds as well.

The game of life is won or lost above one’s shoulders, in our minds. If you want to win you need to train your brain to know it can be done. Until that transformation takes place don’t believe everything you think.

Have a GREAT week!

Adapted from True Competitor by Dan Britton and Jimmy Page


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