Just Be You!

Theme: Just Be You!

Thought for the Week: “You are unique, just like everyone else.”

When you were a youngster, I’m sure at some point you dreamt of being someone else. It might have been a sports icon. During the 1960s and 1970s in Crystal City, MO that might have been a local sports hero like Danny Larose, an All-American at MIZZOU who played for several teams in the NFL, or Bill Bradley, who played basketball at Princeton and for the New York Knicks. For others, it might have been an actor/singer or other performer or a relative that was quite special to you. My Uncle Bob likes to recall that I wanted to be President of the United States (not a particular one, just the President).

Fortunately for the country my childhood dream never became a reality.

There is nothing wrong with childhood dreams. They can be motivating, inspiring us to do better in school and work harder in sports or other crafts. The challenge is as we get older, we need to lock in on who we are and eventually stop trying to be something or someone other than the person God created us to be.

The “True You” is what you are on the inside. That is much more powerful than any outward appearance we might take on. Changing how we look on the outside doesn’t do anything about what is on the inside.

As we enter the Christmas season, this is a good time to reflect on the reason for the season, Jesus, and the transformational power He has for our INSIDE. Through Him, our hearts, mind, thoughts, and attitudes (all internal things) can change opening our lives to be all that God designed us to be on the inside; a unique person that has a purpose and a path to follow.

The journey to the “True You” goes through Jesus. Seek Him First!

Happy Thanksgiving and Have a GREAT week!


Be an Inadequate Leader!


CAST some sunshine toward others