It’s a God Thing

Theme: It’s a God Thing

Verse:  Ephesians 4:16                                                                                                      

Being able to remain active is a privilege.  As I grow older it becomes more and more difficult to keep up the same level of exercise as I once did, but I keep at it.

Running Half-Marathons used to be no problem.  I would run them weekly.  I even threw in an occasional full marathon and did those WEAKLY.  More recently I have been doing the 5K circuit and soon I will make another transition as I have knee replacement surgery.  After that, my nephews will finally be able to beat their uncle in a race, as I will be limited to walking.

But in general, my health is pretty good, and I know that is a blessing from God.  I’m thankful for the many years God has granted me the ability to participate in the running game and especially the friendships I have made along the way.  God made us as social creatures and we are at our best when we interact with others.  Running (exercise) in groups is a great way to get a two-fer.  It does not have to be training for a marathon all the time, but consistent activity is good for the body and for the soul.                                                                                 

Wherever you are on the health and fitness continuum there is room for everyone in running or other forms of exercise.  So, whether you are in your early 20’s (like Lily who is running a half marathon as I write this) or in your mid 90’s (like Ralph, who I want to be like when I grow up) the message is the same. “Don’t give up, Do what you can”.  You will be honoring God in the process by taking care of his greatest creation (YOU) and might make some new friends along the way.

Have a great week!

Adapted from They Will Run and Not Grow Weary by David Alan Black 


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