Built for Community

Theme: Built for Community

Verse: 1 Corinthians 12:27

Humans were created to operate in communities. We grow up in families, build teams at work, play team sports, and form small groups in our church environment. It’s almost impossible to escape being part of some community.

Most running communities are encouraging groups. While personal goals are always important for runners, running groups tend to be most proud of the achievements of the entire group, whether it’s breaking the finish line tape or completing the race just in front of the end of route balloons.

Healthy Christian groups should act the same way. It’s easy to applaud the brother or sister that graduates from divinity school or becomes a Bishop. But how often do we honor the servant that never does anything flashy but is faithful in the small things day after day, year after year?Sometimes we realize at the very end how many people that person has touched along the way.

Two challenges this week. First, think about a person that has a significant positive impact inyour Christian walk. If possible, reach out to them and thank them. Second, find a way to have a positive impact on one of your communities (your family, workplace, church, just pick one) and build a plan to act. Consider sharing either or both stories in the comments section of the website posting so you can be an encouragement to others. 

Have a great week! 

Adapted from They Will Run and Not Grow Weary by David Alan Black  


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The Race is Marked