Young Adult Ministry Update May 20, 2020
Young Adult Ministry (YAM) Update
May 20, 2020 What I have learned……
My name is Amy Jo Rodriguez, I am the coordinator for YAM (Young Adult Ministry). As I write this, I am still in awe in all that has happened in the last few months. The church has left the building and adjusted to serving and doing church differently. So many beautiful things have come from that. YAM has been able to start a career ministry. One of the young ladies in that group found New Hope through our on-line campus. She has never been to New Hope! What a blessing. Some of the individuals in YAM have found beauty in trying new things because of the situation we are in. Some have taken on a new language, mediating, riding their bikes again or just spending precious time with their family. What I have seen is these young adults whether in college or career is they see the importance of a small group in their lifelong journey with God. Not as a season of participation. We serve and love a God that is amazing. During this pandemic we have learned to embrace this time by slowing down, loving and learning how precious life is and to soak in the moments we are given and how we took that for granted. We are called to reach others and share our faith and love as a Jesus follower. “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7. I have seen this in so many people, by letting go and live…. live protected, live safe but most importantly live for others. We have that choice every day to make a difference. It starts with you, me. We’re living through history right now. The world changed in an instant, be there for each other and take care of yourself.
Check out our YouTube Channel anytime to catch up on past discussions.
AJ Rodriguez
Young Adult Coordinator
Young Adult Ministry Update May 13, 2020
Check out our YAM resources while we’re worshiping online!
Hey Young Adults!
Thanks to awesome technology we will continue having our Young Adult small group meeting via Zoom online every Sunday at 11am. YAM cares about supporting each other and engaging in relationships that demonstrate God's love to others in a hurting world.
Stay connected to the church on our website, Facebook and Young Adult Ministry Facebook page. Come join us, come together and stay connected.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
If you are interested in joining our Zoom discussion email TODAY!
Please take care, be safe and stay connected with God.
Check out our YouTube Channel anytime to catch up on past discussions.
Young Adult Resources for Online Resources
Check out our YAM resources while we’re worshiping online!
Hey Young Adults!
Thanks to awesome technology we will continue having our Young Adult small group meeting via Zoom online every Sunday. We will be continuing an awesome new series by Craig Groeshel called Not Afraid, which is perfect for this time of anxiousness, isolation and concern.
Stay connected to the church on our website, Facebook and Young Adult Ministry Facebook page. We are going to use this time to stay connect and come together.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
If you are interested in joining our Zoom discussion email TODAY!
Please take care, be safe and stay connected with God
Amy Jo Rodriguez
Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
New Hope
Check out our YouTube Channel anytime to catch up on past discussions.