Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Thankful: Protection" | Pastor Vicki Harrison | November 14, 2021

"Sometimes, God offers physical people for his people. Always, God offers spiritual protection for his people. God offers spiritual protection through his presence with us. God offers spiritual protection by ensuring our place in eternity." - Pastor Vicki

Sermon Only

Sometimes, God offers physical people for his people. Always, God offers spiritual protection for his people.
God offers spiritual protection through his presence with us. God offers spiritual protection by ensuring our place in eternity.
— Pastor Vicki

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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Thankful: Communion" | Pastor Roberto Chaple | November 7, 2021

Gratitude should be the foundation of our character as Christians in challenging times. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.“ - Pastor Roberto

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Gratitude should be the foundation of our character as Christians in challenging times. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
— Pastor Roberto

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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Roberto Chaple

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Thankful: Time and Opportunity" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | October 31, 2021

“You have a PURPOSE, nothing about your life is a mistake because God wastes nothing. When is the last time you spent time asking God, "God, what do you want to do through my life?“ - Pastor Vicki

Sermon Only

You have a PURPOSE, nothing about your life is a mistake because God wastes nothing. When is the last time you spent time asking God, “God, what do you want to do through my life?
— Pastor Vicki

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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Compelled: The Victory is Worth the Wait" | Pastor Roberto Chaple | October 24, 2021"

“It’s all about planting seeds of victory and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.“ -Pastor Roberto

Sermon Only

It’s all about planting seeds of victory and letting the Holy Spirit do the rest.
— Pastor Roberto


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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Roberto Chaple

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Compelled: God's Word Never Returns Empty-Handed" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | October 17, 2021

“People don’t read the Bible because they don’t like the Bible. But…people don’t like the Bible because they don’t read the Bible.“ - Pastor Vicki

Sermon Only

People don’t read the Bible because they don’t like the Bible. But…people don’t like the Bible because they don’t read the Bible.
— Pastor Vicki


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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Compelled: The Power of a Changed Life" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | October 10, 2021

One faithful step of obedience can be used by the Holy Spirit to change someone’s life forever!

Sermon Only

One faithful step of obedience can be used by the Holy Spirit to change someone’s life forever!
— Pastor Vicki


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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Compelled: Mouth to Ear Resuscitation" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | October 3, 2021

One faithful step of obedience can be used by the Holy Spirit to change someone’s life forever!

Sermon Only

One faithful step of obedience can be used by the Holy Spirit to change someone’s life forever!
— Pastor Vicki

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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Compelled: The Dynamic Duo" | Pastor Roberto Chaple | September 26, 2021

Join Pastor Roberto as we learn about the true Dynamic Duo!

“…The work of the Holy Spirit is not to explain the truth but to guide us to it. The Holy Spirit doesn’t work through explanation but through revelation. Spiritual truths are not meant to be understood, but to be revealed and affirmed….”

Sermon Only

…The work of the Holy Spirit is not to explain the truth but to guide us to it. The Holy Spirit doesn’t work through explanation but through revelation. Spiritual truths are not meant to be understood, but to be revealed and affirmed….
— Pastor Roberto

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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Roberto Chaple

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Compelled: The Motivation" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | September 19, 2021

God’s design: Because of God’s great love for us, we are filled with love and compassion for others. This motivates us to share our faith because we want people to know the hope of Christ.

Sermon Only

God’s design: Because of God’s great love for us, we are filled with love and compassion for others. This motivates us to share our faith because we want people to know the hope of Christ.
— Pastor Vicki

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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Acts: Spirit-led Lives" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | September 12, 2021

Paul lived a life faithfully being led by the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit said go, he went. When the Spirit said stop, he stopped. He paid attention. The Holy Spirit still offers guidance to Christ-followers today, opening the right doors and closing the wrong ones. Do we pay attention to the Spirit’s promptings? Do we lead Spirit-led lives? How might our lives and this church be different if we really, truly were led by the Spirit?

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The Holy Spirit still offers guidance to Christ-followers today, opening the right doors and closing the wrong ones. Do we pay attention to the Spirit’s promptings? Do we lead Spirit-led lives? How might our lives and this church be different if we really, truly were led by the Spirit?
— Pastor Vicki

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Acts: Fishing in International Waters" | Pastor Roberto Chaple | September 5, 2021

To grow and thrive as a church, we must seek after the Holy Spirit. When we allow God’s Spirit to blow in a community of faith, we will naturally be moved to learn, grow, worship, live generously, and lead people to Jesus.

9:00 am Sermon Only

It’s Ok where you are, as long as the wind is blowing. It’s Ok where you are in your faith journey, as long as you let the mighty wind of the Spirit move you.
— Pastor Roberto

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Full Worship Experiences

10:30 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Roberto Chaple

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Acts: Spirit, Blow in This Church" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | August 29, 2021

To grow and thrive as a church, we must seek after the Holy Spirit. When we allow God’s Spirit to blow in a community of faith, we will naturally be moved to learn, grow, worship, live generously, and lead people to Jesus.

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The Holy Spirit changed their attitude about life, and they experienced great joy in being together and they praised God for that. And as a result, the Lord added to their numbers those who were being saved. The growth of the early church was not the result of some great strategy and great human effort, but rather the movement of the wind of the Spirit among them. Wind moves things.
— Pastor Vicki

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Full Worship Experiences

10:30 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"The Power of Story: Part Two - Our Story" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison and Guests | August 22, 2021

As human beings, we are story-shaped creatures. We tell stories to entertain, we tell stories to explain, we tell stories about all the important aspects of life, birth stories, coming of age stories, stories of illness and death and what happens afterward.

9:00 am Sermon Only

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Full Worship Experiences

10:30 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series…

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"The Power of Story: Part One - God's Story" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | August 15, 2021

Today we are beginning a two week series called, The Power of Story. As human beings, we are story-shaped creatures. We tell stories to entertain, we tell stories to explain, we tell stories about all the important aspects of life, birth stories, coming of age stories, stories of illness and death and what happens afterward.

9:00 am Sermon Only

The man who was healed of leprosy couldn’t wait to share his story. Jesus told him not to and he did it anyway. And many people sought out Jesus as a result. His life was changed and then other people’s lives were changed. So, he couldn’t wait to share his story.

What if that were our story? We were so excited about what God did or is doing in our lives that we couldn’t wait to share it?
— Pastor Vicki

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Full Worship Experiences

10:30 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"You Shall Live" - Ezekiel 37 | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | August 8, 2021

Are you ready to ask God's Spirit to restore your dry bones? Are you ready, I mean really ready, to ask God's Spirit to restore the dry places at New Hope? Where God's Spirit blows, there will be life.

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Songs That Should Be Sermon Titles: "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin | Pastor Vicki Harrison | August 1, 2021

Music has a special way of speaking to each of us. This July we’re looking at how song titles like “I Believe in Miracles” and “Stairway to Heaven” not only make it onto our playlists but allow us to hear God’s word in everyday life.

9:00 am Sermon Only

Vicki talks about finding our own Stairway to Heaven! And yet, God sent Heaven down to us! What do we put above our happiness in God?

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

Full Worship Experiences

10:30 am Praise Service

9:00 am traditional Service

More from this Sermon Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Songs That Should Be Sermon Titles: "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica | Pastor Vicki Harrison | July 25, 2021

Music has a special way of speaking to each of us. This July we’re looking at how song titles like “I Believe in Miracles” and “Stairway to Heaven” not only make it onto our playlists but allow us to hear God’s word in everyday life.

9:00 am Sermon Only

“Those things I thought were so important, those things that I thought demonstrated my value, those things that I thought earned me some gold stars with God – they are nothing.  Jesus is everything.  Nothing else matters.”

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Full Worship Experiences

10:30 am Praise Service

9:00 am traditional Service

More from this Sermon Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Songs That Should Be Sermon Titles: "99 Years" by Josh Groban | Pastor Roberto Chaple | July 18, 2021

Music has a special way of speaking to each of us. This July we’re looking at how song titles like “I Believe in Miracles” and “Stairway to Heaven” not only make it onto our playlists but allow us to hear God’s word in everyday life.

9:00 am Sermon Only

Pastor Roberto asks the big question: "If commitment is what captures my love, passion, consecration, and sacrifice, then… What are we committed to?"

Listen to and subscribe to the audio-only podcast with your favorite podcasting app below.

Full Worship Experiences

10:30 am Praise Service

9:00 am traditional Service

More from this Sermon Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Roberto Chaple

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

July 11, 2021 | "Songs That Should Be Sermon Titles: "I Believe in Miracles" - The Ramones" | Chris Temple

Music has a special way of speaking to each of us. This July we’re looking at how song titles like “I Believe in Miracles” and “Stairway to Heaven” not only make it onto our playlists but allow us to hear God’s word in everyday life.

9:00 am Sermon Only

How can you use the influence you already have to create an effect or a miracle? God is the one who has the power to change people, all you need to do is show up and let Him do the rest.


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Full Worship Experiences

10:30 am Praise Service

9:00 am traditional Service

More form this Sermon Series:

Other Sermons by Chris Temple

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

July 4, 2021 | "Dual Citizenship" | Pastor Vicki Harrison

Two-thirds of the Christian Bible is the Old Testament (that's 39 books compared to the New Testament's 27). Yet, many Christians are apprehensive about reading and studying the Old Testament. It happened so long ago, it can be hard to understand. The stories can seem strange and dysfunctional and at times, we wonder about the relevance of our lives.


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9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Full Service

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