Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Acts: Spirit-led Lives" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | September 12, 2021

Paul lived a life faithfully being led by the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit said go, he went. When the Spirit said stop, he stopped. He paid attention. The Holy Spirit still offers guidance to Christ-followers today, opening the right doors and closing the wrong ones. Do we pay attention to the Spirit’s promptings? Do we lead Spirit-led lives? How might our lives and this church be different if we really, truly were led by the Spirit?

Sermon Only

The Holy Spirit still offers guidance to Christ-followers today, opening the right doors and closing the wrong ones. Do we pay attention to the Spirit’s promptings? Do we lead Spirit-led lives? How might our lives and this church be different if we really, truly were led by the Spirit?
— Pastor Vicki

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Full Worship Experiences

11:00 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Acts: Fishing in International Waters" | Pastor Roberto Chaple | September 5, 2021

To grow and thrive as a church, we must seek after the Holy Spirit. When we allow God’s Spirit to blow in a community of faith, we will naturally be moved to learn, grow, worship, live generously, and lead people to Jesus.

9:00 am Sermon Only

It’s Ok where you are, as long as the wind is blowing. It’s Ok where you are in your faith journey, as long as you let the mighty wind of the Spirit move you.
— Pastor Roberto

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Full Worship Experiences

10:30 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Roberto Chaple

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Sunday Worship New Hope Sunday Worship New Hope

"Acts: Spirit, Blow in This Church" | Rev. Dr. Vicki Harrison | August 29, 2021

To grow and thrive as a church, we must seek after the Holy Spirit. When we allow God’s Spirit to blow in a community of faith, we will naturally be moved to learn, grow, worship, live generously, and lead people to Jesus.

Sermon Only

The Holy Spirit changed their attitude about life, and they experienced great joy in being together and they praised God for that. And as a result, the Lord added to their numbers those who were being saved. The growth of the early church was not the result of some great strategy and great human effort, but rather the movement of the wind of the Spirit among them. Wind moves things.
— Pastor Vicki

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Full Worship Experiences

10:30 am Praise Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

More Sermons from this Series:

Other Sermons by Pastor Vicki Harrison

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