Deuteronomy 26

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Deuteronomy 26:12-13, When you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of the tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied.  Then say to the Lord your God: “I have removed from my house the sacred portion and have given it to the Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, according to all you commanded. I have not turned aside from your commands nor have I forgotten any of them. 


This chapter details the procedures for the Israelite farmers to follow when giving the firstfruits of their harvest to the sanctuary that would be approved by God when they entered the promised land.  The focus verses deal with the special provisions for the poor and vulnerable.  Every third year there were tithes required to care for those who had no family or the ability to own property, specifically the Levite (priest), the foreigner, the orphan, and the widow.  In this third year, what would have been brought to the sanctuary (eventually the temple) would stay in the villages so that the poor and vulnerable would have their fill. 


Let's pray...Lord, Thank you for always caring for the least of these among us.  Who is it you have called us to care for in our community?  Give us eyes to see and hears to hear.  We love you, Lord Jesus.  In Your Name, Amen.


Deuteronomy 27


Deuteronomy 25