2 Corinthians 10

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2 Corinthians 10:3-4, For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 


After a lengthy discussion on the collection for Jerusalem believers, Paul returns to the issue of defending his love for the Corinthians and his authority as an apostle.  Paul is concerned with his own reputation but he is more concerned with saving the Corinthian church from these rivals who are promoting a false Gospel. 


It's interesting that many people read Paul's epistles and think of him as uncompromising and even harsh at times.  But that apparently isn't the Paul that the Corinthian church witnessed.  They thought of Paul as weak and timid.  In our focus verses today, Paul is defending himself against such accusations.  He is not timid but bold.  However, he doesn't wage war in the typical sense.  He wages war with God's power. Thus, we can suppose that Paul fights with spiritual weapons such as prayer and divine wisdom. 


According to the Scripture, these weapons allow him to demolish strongholds.  The Corinthians would have been familiar with strongholds, places with much fortification to help defend against attack.  But it would have also been common knowledge that no amount of fortification could defend against a strong, forceful offensive attack. The power of God, Paul's spiritual weapons, were much stronger than anything that his rivals could present.  Paul stands ready to attack the "stronghold" erected by those in Corinth who oppose him and slander his name. No amount of verbal attacks on his character, no intellectual arguments, no worldly debate could match the power in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Paul was on the side of Christ and that was his most effective weapon.


Do you make use of spiritual weapons? 


Let's pray...Lord Jesus, So often we try to go it alone.  Forgive us for that, Lord.  We need you to fight our battles.  In Your Name, Amen.


2 Corinthians 11


2 Corinthians 9