New Hope

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Be an Inadequate Leader!

Theme: Be an Inadequate Leader!

Quote of the Week: “I'm a karate man! Alright. Karate man bruise on the inside! They don't show their weakness.” (Billy Ray Valentine (Eddie Murphy), Trading Places, 1983)

Aside from being asked to explain the quadratic equation formula or asked to name Uzbekistan’s capital, when was the last time you uttered any of the following phrases?

“I don’t know!”

“I’m going to need some help!”

“I have some weaknesses!”

“I don’t have all the answers!”

If you said you can’t remember, you are not alone. Our human nature is to avoid showing weakness in any situation. We are raised to believe that any sign of weakness means you are not a leader. The reality is nothing can be further from the truth.

The most successful leaders are what are known as Limited Leaders. They know they have gaps, blind spots, problems. In Jeremiah, he cries out to the Lord, “Lord, I am inadequate, and I can’t do what you are asking.” But God did not choose Jeremiah for his skill (BTW: God does not need our limited skills). He chose him for his availability, humility, faith, and trust. God wanted him to be a Limited Leader.

A Limited Leader has three key characteristics.

1. Great Self Awareness: This helps them build effective teams that will not be clones of the leader. The Kansas City Chiefs and Detroit Lions would not be leading the league if they sent out 11 Patrick Mahomes or Jared Goffs every play.

2. Openness about their weaknesses: This sort of openness empowers team members to step in with skills the leader lacks. It helps the team grow.

3. Realization that failure is inevitable without God: Failure is at our doorstep each day unless God steps in. If you want to do something really big, trust God with the “impossible.”

Do you want to be a Leader? Then be an Inadequate One. Be available, humble, faithful, and trusting. God will fill the voids and lead you to VICTORY!

BTW: To save you a Google search Uzbekistan’s capital is Tashkent.

Have a GREAT week!