New Hope

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Making the Impossible, Possible!

Theme: Making the Impossible, Possible!

Quote of the Week: “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” (Helen Keller)

Jake Olson was a college football player for the University of Southern California Trojans. He played in only two games in 2017, as the long snapper. You know, the guy you hear about only when the punt or field goal attempt doesn’t go off as expected. Although Jake played only two games, his story is one of the most compelling in school history.

You see, by the age of 12 Jake had lost both his eyes to cancer of the retina.

Despite his lack of sight, Jake had vision. He loved the game of football, so he taught himself to excel at the only position he could play without sight — long snapper. He was so good at the skill he made the Trojan football team as a walk-on.

His impact has gone well beyond being responsible for the points the Trojans got on plays he snapped the ball for. To this day, he continues to be an inspiration for everyone who needs a vision in their lives.

Having a vision is more than being able to see. It means creating a picture of the world you want for yourself and those around you. Without vision, life becomes mundane, and we will not be living up to the potential that God has for each one of us.

Our church has the vision to be the church of “Three Rs.” That means

We seek to be ROOTED in God’s Word. Being rooted in God’s Word means to be established firmly and deeply in Jesus Christ; He is one voice that we seek to direct our paths.

We seek to be RENEWED by the Holy Spirit. God can change us from the inside out! This means getting rid of the old, unhealthy, and worldly parts of our lives and allowing God to do something new within us.

We seek to REACH the world for Jesus Christ. Keeping the joy of knowing a very real Jesus is not something to be kept to ourselves. We need to share His love with others.

As we approach Christmas and the New Year, it’s a good time to examine our lives and ask what our vision is.

Are you up for it?

Have a GREAT week and Merry Christmas!

Adapted from True Competitor by Dan Britton and Jimmy Page