Running the Ultra Marathon
Theme: Running the Ultra Marathon
Verse: 2 Corinthians 4 7-10,
Ultra-marathons (and other extreme sports) are the newest athletic craze. As if 26.2 miles (full marathon distance) is not enough, these events go anywhere between 31-100 miles. Yikes! These are a test of your body and your spirit.
Jesus’ final journey was like an ultra-marathon. After the Passover feast where He expressed his love for the disciples by washing their feet, He fed them bread and wine and explained what was about to happen to him. He moved on to the Mount of Olives and Gethsemane. Up to now, this was like the beginning of a long race; settling in and enjoying the steady pace.
Then the “fun” began!
His back half of his final journey took him through Judas’ betrayal, Pilates’ lame attempt at freeing him, and his eventual crucifixion. It had to feel like the portion of long races known as THE WALL. For those of you that have not experienced that, THE WALL is not a good place to be.
But just like a great ultra-marathoner He was, He worked through the pain and got to the other side, where He appeared to a few select people before going to spend eternity with HIS Father.
The visual I get is that the inevitable trials in our lives are nothing in comparison to the ordeal that Jesus endured. I’m inspired to know that He experienced and overcame human pain coming out fine on the other side.
The finish line is a glorious sight at the end of a long race. It is there for each one of us. We just have to endure.
Have a great week!
Adapted from Walk, Run, Soar by Dorina Gilmore Young