New Hope

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December 24, 2023 Christmas Eve | "Cranky Christmas: Jesus: unexpected beauty, in the midst of the mess" | Rev. Vicki Harrison

5:00 PM - Family Blended Service

7:00 PM - Praise Service


In her insightful sermon, Pastor Vicki Harrison explores the reality of Christmas, contrasting our idealized visions with the raw, often chaotic truth of the first Christmas. She eloquently reveals how God's work often unfolds in the messiness of life, a theme deeply rooted in the mission of New Hope to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Vicki reminds us that like Mary and Joseph's unexpected journey, our lives too are filled with unforeseen challenges. Yet, in these moments, God is actively working to create beauty and purpose. The call to action here is clear: embrace life's imperfections and find solace in the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Let us be rooted in God’s Word, renewed by the Holy Spirit, and reach out to the world with this message of hope and resilience. For more on our mission, visit New Hope's Mission. Reflect on previous teachings in our Message Archive.

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