New Hope

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Lenten Devotional - Day 13

Daily Devotional

Matthew 14:23

And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray.

When evening came, he was there alone.

Julie Burroughs


Have you ever met someone at an event or while out someplace, and then sought out a chance to be alone with them? When you get away from others, activities, noise, etc., you can talk and get to know each other better. Alone time together helps build relationships.

Even when you're not new to each other, alone time together helps sustain a relationship.

One way couples work at this is through "date nights."

Jesus went off alone to pray. But it's not that He was completely alone. He was alone with God!

lam never alone. God is always with me. Going off "alone" to pray is just getting to a time and place that's quiet and away from distractions where I can talk with and focus on the Lord to build and sustain my relationship with Him. Take advantage of the moments where you just happen to have some time alone with the Lord, but also be intentional about scheduling

"date night" kind of moments with Him too. While corporate prayer and worship are important, so is alone time together with God!


Lord, Thank You that I am never truly alone! Thank You that when I get a chance to "get away" from others, that I can be alone with You. Help my relationship with You grow stronger with continuous prayer. Amen.

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