New Hope

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1 Kings 4

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Scripture – 1 Kings 4:29, 31b-34 “God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore.… And his fame spread to all the surrounding nations. He spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs numbered a thousand and five. He described plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also taught about animals and birds, reptiles and fish. Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom.

This chapter of 1 Kings describes how Solomon built his organization, amassed his personal and shareholder wealth, compensated his corporate officers (assuming they met their quota or budget), and held court in the presence of the global elite. Today, we might see parallels in some of the biggest tech giants and reruns of “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.” Wow! What a Guy!

But, as we know, Solomon was cruising away from the Word of God, when He told him to “walk in my ways.” (1 Kings 3:14) In truly Adam-esque fashion, Solomon was heading for a fall. It is a reminder that the appearance of success and prominence in this world (or even how many proverbs or songs we can recite) cannot supersede the commitment we make to give our very best effort to God’s commands at all times. We will fail from time to time. We will be nudged back on track by the Holy Spirit, if we will stop, grow quiet in prayer, and listen.

It isn’t the last reminder of this in the Bible. In Matthew 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-31, and Luke 18:18-30, Jesus tells us via his conversation with the Rich Man that through deep faithfulness, trust in God that all things are possible, and sacrifice in the ways this world views as success, we can inherit eternal life.

As a citizen in the wealthiest, most educated, and arguably the most fair and wise country on earth, I think about how easy it is for me to fall into the same trap as Solomon. Perhaps you feel the same.

As we reflect on all of this, here are some considerations:

  • How can I use my time, talents, presence, and witness to make more and better followers of Jesus, rather than more and better comforts and plaudits for my actions?

  • How can I become more firmly Rooted in God’s Word, Renewed by the Holy Spirit, and Reaching the world for Jesus?

  • How can I give up a little more to the benefit of the poor in spirit or in comfort or in safety or in freedom?

  • How can I help New Hope be the Best Church FOR the Communities We Serve?

Prayer – Lord Jesus, Thank you for your blessed life and sacrifice, and for the salvation you have given us. Thank you for your wisdom, which you graciously shared with us. And thank you for your grace as we struggle and fall short of your plan for us. I confess I am caught up in the wrong things more often than I should be. I am quick to focus on success as we define it in this world, to the detriment of my focus on the lessons you have taught me. Forgive me. I will try to do better. I will strive to pray more, listen more closely to the Holy Spirit, and as James wrote in James 1:22: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive [myself]. Do what it says.” Guide me, please. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Paul Brooks