2 Corinthians 5
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2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
The first ten verses of this chapter are worth reading and reflecting on if you didn't have the opportunity to do so. Paul is tackling the difficult topic of what happens to us when we die. In Paul's culture (as in ours), there was fascination but also fear regarding the end of physical life. This piece of Scripture discusses the future resurrection and transformation of believers and the certainty of being with Jesus after death. We can be assured of this based on God placing the Spirit within us (Paul calls it a deposit). The Holy Spirit offers us assurance of salvation and that this earthly life is not the end.
Now, let's take a moment and talk about the focus verse, one of my favorite verses of Scripture. Paul starts with the statement, "Therefore..." because the previous statement pointed out that Christ is no longer viewed from a human perspective, as he is God. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior and his life, death, and resurrection form this radical, fundamental breakthrough for all creation. Because of this, things are different. God's Kingdom has been inaugurated and a new way of doing life is here. So, if someone is in Christ, meaning they have accepted Jesus and are united with a life-giving Savior, then this new way of living and being has started. They are no longer the same person. They are being transformed from the inside out by the power of the Spirit of God. The old person, the "pre-Jesus" life, is in the past. They now do life differently - new attitudes, new behaviors, new ways of thinking - focused on the ways of Jesus rather than the ways of the world.
I want to add that becoming a new person is a choice. Others call it a process. It's both really. Becoming the person that God created us to be in Jesus Christ is not going to simply happen by accident. We participate in the process. The Holy Spirit works in us and we cooperate with God in the transformation. What has your "becoming a new creation" process looked like? None of us have arrived either. What are the places in your life in which God may be still calling you to change to look more like Jesus?
Let's pray...Almighty God, You are holy and perfect and we are not. Help us see others through your eyes, to be more loving, patient, and kind. Where we need to change, make that obvious to us. We know we are new creations, help remind us of that often, Lord. We love you and give you glory. More of you, Jesus, and less of me. In Your Name, Amen.