New Hope

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Nehemiah 5

October 14, 2022 - Nehemiah 5


Nehemiah came to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of the city. City walls are, of course, designed to protect the inhabitants from outside threats. But what about threats from the inside?


Nehemiah found that no matter how strong the walls on the outside were, if the people inside the walls weren't protected from their leaders and those in power, then they would never be safe. He challenged those with power to give back what they had taken and make a promise to not do it again.


As we look inside our homes and our church, are we spending too much effort building walls to protect us from outsiders, and not enough effort looking to threats that are already inside our walls. Those threats can be spiritual, political, or financially motivated. But we must not fight among ourselves so that when the real threats come, we are not distracted and can see them coming.


Lord, help me to do my part to not contribute to the internal strife and conflict inside my own family and inside my church at New Hope. Help me to be a good steward of the resources you've entrusted to me as a staff member and a church member, and to utilize my time, talents, gifts, and witness the way you would have me use them. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.