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May 20, 2020 Passion Student Ministry Vlog Update

Look for a daily 5 minute devotional/check-in on my youtube channel. This will be a link that I will text out as well as email out to students and parents. Also, it will be found on the Facebook PSM page.

What can you do as a PSM parent? Take the incentive that these daily videos and the Sunday message video will be available. Let it create questions and discussions. This is a time of anxiousness, isolation and concern (and not just for parents). We are in the thick of realization that all will be effected. In some way or another.

What can you do as a student? Keep tuned into the devotional and message videos. Also, keep checking in with your small group. Take the time (cuz ya' know ya' got some!) to say "hello" or "what's up?" Also, keep talking. If you are transparent about the current days and often hours that seem offsetting to the norm, it really does help. Everyone (including parents) will be going through it. I promise you will not be the only one feeling this way.

Know that this ministry will not stop. PSM's plan is to keep active the best possible way we can with what we have until we can do more. As the Director of Student Ministries, it is a priority to care for and keep together our youth in this time of crisis. I have great optimism that we will get through this season. God is with us!

Remember, the Church is looking at a week to week basis as far as what we can do. Let's pray that each week will be more encouraging than the last. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me. 

Please be smart, be safe and be of God.

In Faith,

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